I Swear They're Possessed

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The class all giggled and shhhhhed each other as they snuck in the bakery. They all wore black ski masks and all black.

"Don't worry guys," Alya whispered. "I know this place like the back of my hand. We'll be in, no problem. Marinette's busy doing no-one-really-cares. And she's so clumsy, we'll hear her tripping up the stairs and we'll have enough time to hide. She'll finally get what's coming for her after bullying Lila,"

Everyone giggled and followed her, excited for what was to come. They would get plenty of blackmail, steal her diary and other things.

Alya picked the lock to the bakery door, and they snuck up the stairs. Marinette's room was not locked, and they all winced as it creaked loudly.

"The fuck did that girl do to her room?" Alya muttered. She was planning on taking pictures of her walls, that would definitely be embarrassing and the mega blackmail. 

But now, it was covered in pictures of Marinette hanging out with celebrities and famous animals. There was even a silly photo of Marinette with Alya's little sisters.

The room was bare, too. Her desk had some stuff scattered across it, but nothing important. An apple, a couple glitter pens, sewing scissors, and. . .a pink semicircular box. It was propped open, and inside was what they could only assume was her diary. 

Rose giggled, "Anything for Lila!" She said cheerfully, before grabbing the diary. The box locked around her hand before anyone could react.

"Crap. . ." Juleka murmured, her long fingers already trying to pry Rose's hand free.

"We'll worry about it later." Alya waved them off. "Right now, focus on finding blackmail or something."

There was a mannequin with a pink hat on it, but it was purely for decor and Marinette wouldn't care if it was destroyed, so they left it be. She hadn't left any of her designs out, they noted. Maybe she wasn't working on anything?

Max sat down at her computer, "I'll hack into it. You guys keep searching. The password should be fairly easy to guess. From what I can tell, the first letter is capitalised and it's five letters long." 

They kept searching. The closet seemed jammed shut, Alya remembered Marinette complaining to her about that when they were still friends. Apparently the doors were slightly too big and it caused lots of issues.

Then Alya noticed the chest that was in the corner of the room. The one where she kept her presents for Adrien. Maybe her stuff was in there?

Since when did she have a lock on the chest?

Alya groaned in frustration, "Where is all her shit! At least tell me you cracked her password!"

"I— this doesn't make sense! What could it possibly be!?" Max questioned, typing away rapidly.

"Uh— guys," Ivan said.

"Not right now, Ivan! I'm thinking!" Alya silenced him.


"NOT. NOW." Alya shouted. Alya felt a little bad for making Ivan whimper, but whatever.

There was a long sigh, "And the sad thing is. . .I can't even say I'm surprised." Everyone whipped around to see Marinette, sitting on the edge of her bed.


"WHAT? You can't—no— stop it— get these handcuffs off me— you can't arrest me! I was — I was just getting revenge— no— no— NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Alya's voice echoed with Marinette's classmates as they were driven off to juvie for breaking and entering.

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