Not a Doll, Servant, or Slave. And Certainly Not Your Friend.

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I tapped my fingers on the page as I read it. It's a book about Ladybug and all the theories people have. Some of them were downright ridiculous, ("She managed to live for thousands of years, hiding in the shadows, waiting for a chance to strike. She got her miraculous from the first dragon at the beginning of time and is bound by oath to continue to protect and serve justice"), to the more believable, ("She was given her miraculous from the one before her, to serve justice to her full capability while the one before her continued to craft miraculous'."). 

I looked up suddenly at a voice, "Oh. My. God! Are you reading theories about Ladybug!? I love reading the ideas they came up with about me, it's so creative and fun!" I didn't recognize who the voice belonged to. She had circular pink tinted glasses over ice blue eyes. She had an indigo braid over her shoulder and was wearing a white crop top and skinny jeans. She actually looked really pretty, and the look worked. 

"Hi! Are you new?" I asked, maybe she would see through Lila's lies?

"Yes, I am! My name is June, what's yours?"

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, nice to meet you!"

June stood rigid, "You! You're the one who's torturing Lila and her friends! I almost didn't believe it when she told me but. . .! It's people like you who are why protecting Paris is as difficult as it is! Causing akumatizations left 'n right-- those things are a pain to get rid of, and quite frankly, you aren't making it any easier!"

I froze. What?

"OMG, you're Ladybug!? I knew Lila wasn't lying! Could you do the transformation sequence?? It must look super badass!" Alya squealed, before sending me a glare.

"Oh--" June was about to reply.

"What about your kwami?" I asked innocently.

"My what?" June snapped.

"Your kwami, all miraculous holders have it."

"Oh, my kwami is great, it. . . .it. . . .it teleports the miraculous from my yoyo into my hand!" She smiled triumphantly.

"Nice try. A kwami is a small adorable creature that when you say a certain phrase, starts the transformation sequence that turns you into a superhero."

"And how do you know that?" June sneered.

"Well, the real Ladybug would know that I know that because she entrusted me with the mouse miraculous. Making me MultiMouse. Deeply concerning that you didn't know that, isn't it?"

Everyone gasped, and stayed silent, watching it play out.

June put a hand to her chest, "Well, I don't know what I was thinking in doing that. It was obviously a mistake. And besides, I just don't have a kwami. I don't need one to be a hero."

Before I could protest, Tikki flew from my bag and got into her face.

"Oh, no you didn't! I'll have you know that I am very much needed by my holder, WHO YOU ARE NOT! It's disrespectful, and a disgrace to my owner, who does not need your sad, in need of validation, pathetic, human self walking over her well-earned name!"

June screamed.

"You should be scared! If you and the human girl with sausage hair don't stop I won't hesitate to destroy you, with or without Plagg!" Tikki screamed back.

I hid my face in my hands. Oh god. . .

"What--Wha-- What is that!?" June screeched in response.

"Ladybug's kwami." I mumbled miserably.

"And how do you know that?" June said, immediately switching gears.

"The spots were kinda a dead giveaway. What, were you trying to insinuate that I'm Ladybug? I thought you were Ladybug?" I snapped back, remembering suddenly how sassy the energy drinks I usually have make me. This wasn't going to end well.

"I-- I-- I-- Well, of course-- I-- YOU KNOW WHAT, ROSSI!? I GIVE UP! KEEP YOUR FILTHY MONEY!" June shouted, stomping out of the room. At least she can do a killer dramatic exit.

Now it was my turn to stay silent. The mines were lined up, now it's time for them to blow up in my classmates faces.

"You. . . .hired someone to pretend to be Ladybug?" Alya whispered, lowering her phone.

"No! No, it looks that way, but we're just having a fight and this is her way of reven--" Lila was interrupted.

"She didn't know what a kwami was. . . ." Nino murmured.

Everyone stared at Lila, their thoughts already connecting the figurative dots. 

Kim's mouth went dry, "You've. . .you've been lying to us. . .this whole time. . .haven't you?"

Alix lunged at her, Ivan holding her back, "Let me at her-- she destroyed my future-- our futures! How dare she--"

"Marinette." Mylene said suddenly, as if the name held the meaning of the universe.

Everyone froze. Of course, now they remembered me. 

"Oh god. . .Marinette. . ." Alya said, realizing what this meant.

"Dudette. . . ." Nino trailed off.

I took out one of my notebooks, and began to rattle off all of the stuff, "Vandalized locker, ripped up sketchbook, mockery, verbal abuse, tossed down the stairs, antagonised, expelled, suspended, tripped and shoved, excluded from social gatherings/events. . . .shall I go on?"

"I am so sorry, gir—"

"No, you're not. You're sorry you were fooled, you're sorry your future was ruined. Now, you're going to run back to me and ask me to make it all better again, because that's what I am to you all. A doll to be tossed about until you find use of it. Well, I'm done. I'm not your friend, I'm your servant. I'm your slave. And I'm done. None of you are sorry, you're horrified. Nice try, but I refuse to be tricked again."

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