38. Abuela's Revenge

Start from the beginning

"Okay so maybe I do give in easily to her and yes I'll admit it's not good for her in the long run to have everything handed to her, but I just can't help it at times. I didn't have anything as a kid and I want her to be happy and not miserable like I was."

"There's nothing wrong with giving her nice things but in moderation. Just because she asked for it doesn't mean she has to get it, or at least at that moment. Plus we're having another child and she's not gonna be an only child anymore, so she's gonna have to learn that it's not gonna be solely about her anymore. Your attention will be shared and she can't always have it her way."

"You're right, I'm gonna have to let her know that she can't always get what she wants."

"And actually stick to your word and not give in an hour later."

"I will, I promise it's gonna be hard but I can do it."

"Don't worry dear it won't kill you to say no." She said giving him a kiss as he sighed

"I don't know, I think I'd rather get shot again than say no."

"Imagine that, a ruthless cartel leader afraid of his two year old daughter. I have truly seen it all."

"I'm actually more afraid of you than anything. The word no for you doesn't exist and I pray I never have to tell you no, so Liz gets it from her mother." He said as she looked at him

"Really now? You're afraid of me?"

"Yes, paying you alone is already five times over what I originally wanted to spend on staff. But I'm not complaining about it because you wanted it this way and I'm happy to oblige, and so I don't have to sleep on the couch for the next five years." He said as she held his face in her hand and kissed him

"I would've eventually let you back in, who else is going to rub my feet when I don't feel like it, especially now I can't bend like I'd want to."

"I'll be happy to rub your feet."

"Great, because I have been running around all day and it just seems like I won't stop."

Later that night it was dinner time as abuela came over to eat with them as she normally does at least once a week "Abuela, did you see my pictures on the refrigerator?" Liz asked

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Later that night it was dinner time as abuela came over to eat with them as she normally does at least once a week
"Abuela, did you see my pictures on the refrigerator?" Liz asked

"I sure did sweetheart, they are so beautiful. You are one little artist. Will you make one for your future brother or sister?"

"Yes ma'am, mommy even let me pick out their room and I have their picture up."

"Oh how sweet." Abuela said giving Liz a kiss on the head
"Have you two came up with any names?"

"Javi pretty much has all the girls names."

"And what about the boys?"

Javi shook his head, "We haven't gotten that far yet."

"Why is that?"

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