Chapter 23 - Younger Siblings, Explosive Edition

Start from the beginning

"Why does it have red eyes? Because it's perfect

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"Why does it have red eyes? Because it's perfect. I'm calling it the noot noot bomb." You said as you looked at the bomb. The red dot in it's beady eyes reminded you of the noot noot meme, so that was what it would be called. The noot noot bomb crawled up Zaicim's arms and onto your head. "I love it. We need more." You noticed Zaicim had already begun making more before you even name the noot noot bomb. You were so fucking proud of this bitch.

"Hey both of you! We're going to yujing terrace to ask about inazuma and Aether's sister, wanna come?" Paimon asked them as she floated closer. "What do you think?" Zaicim asked while looking at you. "Sure, we can test the noot noot bombs there." You said as a small pile of noot noot bombs crawled around and climbed on you and Zaicim. "Huh? What are those things, and who are you talking to Zaicim?" She asked as some of the noot noot bombs started jumping and trying to nip at Paimon. "Wah! Okay, Paimon's leaving now!" She said as she floated away from the noot noot bombs.


You and Zaicim looked for victims to explode. You realised couldn't do it directly in liyue harbour since that would jail you, so you left Aether and Paimon to look for something else. "Think we could try killing the regisvine with these?" Zaicim asked as he held up one of the bombs. A small swarm of noot noot bombs were following him like baby ducks, while the rest were latching onto him or you. "I love that idea, where's the regisvine?" Zaicim pointed at the familiar cave you had gone into so many times for Bennett's ascension matts. "What element will they all explode in?" You asked. "We just need to give them a source of the element to absorb and we're good to go." He explained. "Can we use those hydro slime over there?" You said while pointing at the small group of slimes.

He walked forward and all the noot noot bombs began latching onto the slimes until each of them had absorbed all the energy and there were ni more slimes. "Did I also mention I made them reusable?" You tilted you head at Zaicim. "Reusable?" He nodded. "They will loose their elemental energy once they explode, but they will still be intact and can continue to live. They are also able to absorb several elements at a time, but they can't explode more than two elements at once. After they exploded and lost one element, they can explode the other element next." Your eyes twinkled at his explanation. "WE HAVE EXPLODING YOUNGER SIBLINGS!!"

It only took half of the twenty noot noot bombs to kill the regisvine. Now, you had all sorts of different materials from it. The noot noot bombs happily used the dead regisvine corpse as a jungle gym as if they didn't just kill it. "I love this. Look how happy they are." You said as Zaicim began hoarding the materials. He said that he could use the seeds as poisonous hot sauce. Strange concept but a welcome one. "We should find Aether after the noot noot bombs are done playing." You said while looking at them.


"You do understand Mr. Krosl, that you will have to pay Ms. Zhiqiao ten times the original price in mora? Mr. Krosl, your answer please. My client and I are waiting." You, Zaicim, and your NNB swarm, short for noot noot bomb swarm, watched from afar as the pink haired girl with white horns protruding from the sides of her head talked with a snezhnayan merchant. Aether and Paimon were beside her along with a woman. A lot of the NNBs started to pile up on you and began cuddling with each other in a pile on your backpack.

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