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On Malina's team, she had Beckendorf and two other Hephaestus guys, a few from the Ares cabin, the Stoll brothers and Nekks from Hermes cabin, and a few of her Cabin mates. Drew had earlyer told her that her siblings usally prefered to sit the games out, but they had decided play.

Next to her stood Drew as she carefully adjusted her armor straps while angrily muttering curse words under her breath which were aimed at the hunters. "I'll show them 'love is worthless,'" Silena Beauregard grumbled as she strapped on her armor. "I'll pulverize them! Drew todays our chance to get our revenge for the last match!"

And then there were Percy and Thalia who had continuesly bein arguing the entire day.
"I'll take the offense," Thalia volunteered. "You take defense." Thalia told Percy.

"Oh." Percy hesitated, and Malina knew it was because he'd been about to say the exact same thing, only reversed. He had told her during breakfast his plan for capture the flag. "Don't you think with your shield and all, you'd be better defense?" Percy suggested.

Thalia already had Aegis on her arm, and even her own teammates were giving her a wide berth, trying not to cower before the bronze head of Medusa.
"Well, I was thinking it would make better offense," Thalia said. "Besides, you've had more practice at defense."
"Yeah, no problem," Percy said, but Malina had a feeling that he was lying.

"Cool." Thalia turned to help Elina and Eliza (Two of her cabin mates) who were having trouble suiting up their armor without breaking their nails. "Malina!" Nico screemed running towards Malina and Percy.

"Percy, Malina, this is awesome!" His blue-feathered bronze helmet was falling in his eyes, and his breastplate was about six sizes too big. Did this camp not have anny smaller armor?

Nico lifted his sword with effort. "Do we get to kill the other team?" "Well... no." Percy told Nico before Malina could answer.

"But the Hunters are immortal, right?"
"That's only if they don't fall in battle. Besides—"

"It dosnt matter if there Imortal or not" Malian interuppted Percy. "We don't hurt people unless its nessary. And remeber Bianca's one of the hunters. You wouldn't wan't to hurt her by accident." Malina lectured Nico while readusting his armour.

"It would be awesome if we just, like, resurrected as soon as we were killed, so we could keep fighting, and—"
"Nico, this is serious. Real swords. These can hurt." Percy tried to interupted Nico who had compleatly ignored the older girls lecture.

Nico stared at Percy and Malina, disappointed, and Malina emidently felt bad for lecturing Nico.

Percy patted Nico on the shoulder. "Hey, it's cool. Just follow the team. Stay out of Zoe's way. We'll have a blast."
Chiron's hoof thundered on the pavilion floor. "Why don't you stick to Percy?" Malina suggested "I know he's a great fighter. You can learn a thing our two from him"

"Heroes!" he called. "You know the rules! The creek is the boundary line. Blue team— Camp Half-Blood—shall take the west woods. Hunters of Artemis—red team—shall take the east woods. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. No intentional maiming, please! All magic items are allowed. To your positions!"
"Sweet," Nico whispered next to Percy. "What kind of magic items? Do I get one?"

Malina was about to tell him that he didn't, but before she could Thalia said, "Blue team! Follow me!"
They cheered and followed. Percy, who had fallen behind the group, had to run to catch up, and tripped over somebody's shield, so he didn't look much like a co-captain. More like an idiot.

Malina thought he looked adorable.

They set our flag at the top of Zeus's Fist. It's this cluster of boulders in the middle of the west woods that, if you look at it just the right way, looks like a huge fist sticking out of the ground. If you look at it from any other side, it looks like a pile of enormous deer droppings, but Chiron wouldn't let them call the place the Poop Pile, especially after it had been named for Zeus, who doesn't have much of a sense of humor.

Anyway, it was a good place to set the flag. The top boulder was twenty feet tall and really hard to climb, so the flag was clearly visible, like the rules said it had to be, and it didn't matter that the guards weren't allowed to stand within ten yards of it. Percy set Nico and Malina on guard duty with Beckendorf and the Stoll brothers, and Malina guessed he figured they'd be safely out of the way.

"We'll send out a decoy to the left," Thalia told the team. "Silena, you lead that."

"Got it!"

"Take Laurel and Jason. They're good runners. Make a wide arc around the Hunters, attract as many as you can. I'll take the main raiding party around to the right and catch them by surprise."
Everybody nodded. It sounded good, and Thalia said it with such confidence you couldn't help but believe it would work.
Thalia looked at Percy. "Anything to add, Percy?"

"Um, yeah. Keep sharp on defense. We've got four guards, two scouts. That's not much for a big forest. I'll be roving. Yell if you need help."
"And don't leave your post!" Thalia said. "Unless you see a golden opportunity," Percy added. Thalia scowled. "Just don't leave your post." "Right, unless—"

"Percy!" Malian shouted "Thalia! Both of you stop it. Percy just listen to Thalia this once, and Thalia listen to Percy. Please. I wan't this game to be something special to Nico."

Suddenly Thalia touched Percy's arm and shocked him.

"Sorry," Thalia said, though in Malina's opinion she didn't sound particularly sorry. "Now, is everybody clear?"
Everybody nodded. Everyone broke into their smaller groups. The horn sounded, and the game began.

Silena's group disappeared into the woods on the left. Thalia's group gave it a few seconds, then darted off toward the right.

Malina waited for something to happen. Percy climbed Zeus's Fist and had a good view over the forest.

"What's happening?" Nico demanded, trying to climb up next to Percy, while Malina was trying to pull him back down.
Percy's mind was racing. Thalia would never get through, but the Hunters were divided. With that many on either flank, their center had to be wide open. If he moved fast...

Percy looked at Beckendorf. "Can you guys hold the fort?"
Beckendorf snorted. "Of course."
"I'm going in.

The Stoll brothers and Nico cheered as Percy raced toward the boundary line.
"Percy don't!" Malina tried to call after him, knowing it was going to result in chaos, but Percy was already to far away to hear her.

A/N: Really short chapter. Do u want more regular updates? If u want that, please comment something, to keep me motivated.

I am nearly finished with PJ TC tho, so updates should be more frequent.


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