◦༻ 40...Death Falls and Death Rises

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"The curse was removed when Da Hong died

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"The curse was removed when Da Hong died. But the scar is still there."


"No, Nan Yang, my best friend just passed on in my own arms." Y/n hisses, his eyes still sore and cheeks still puffy.

     Feng Xin swallows dryly and his eyes widen slightly, he didn't notice that this was Life he was talking to. It was better than Death, wasn't it? Wasn't it?

     He's been told about how overwhelming Life's aura could be to gods. But it seems that Life has learnt to maintain it well since Feng Xin wasn't fainting from the pure intensity of it.

Feng Xin looks over the area around Life awkwardly. There's a folded up robe with a diadem neatly placed on top outside the river. Life is leaning against a tree, which on the other side of the trunk is a grave that has a white feather on top of it. On the grave is the name 'Da Ju', it's only then when Feng Xin sees the surname does it all add up.

"Oh, Da Hong has passed." Feng Xin blurts. He quickly slaps a hand over his mouth at the realization at what he just said. Life looks back at him with teary eyes that glare through his soul. Feng Xin almost shrinks back from how offended Life seems.

"Yea, now you can either leave, or shut your mouth and stay." Life grumbles in a threatening voice, just loud enough for Feng Xin to get the message.

Feng Xin doesn't know exactly why he picks the second option. But he does anyway.

He slowly sits down next to Life and racks his brain for any information he has about him at the top of his head. The only thing he can think of is that his name is Xiu Y/n, and that he is Da Hong's reincarnation. The last thing he can think of was that he was brought here from another world.

He looks over to the man sitting next to him, tears are running down his face and he's hugging his knees to his chest. Feng Xin recognizes that position anywhere, it's the one people do when they feel alone. They hug their knees to their chest because they need to feel the pressure, the same feeling that they get when someone is hugging them. It's not easy to catch someone in this position, especially Life, who supposedly always wears a smile.

Y/n is trembling more than he ever has before, but he cries silently, trying not to disturb the one next to him. Despite the fact that Feng Xin was the one who intruded on his space.

Feng Xin bites his lip and hesitantly reaches out to Y/n. Y/n doesn't draw himself away, so Feng Xin takes that as a sign to not pull his hand away.

Feng Xin brings a hand to Y/n's shoulder and traces circles into his robes with his thumb. Y/n shuffles closer and lets his head fall on Feng Xin's shoulder. Feng Xin is surprised, but he makes sure to hold still.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝘼 𝙎𝙬𝙖𝙣 | TGCFWhere stories live. Discover now