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Midea really went off, she and Jun were ignoring each other because she saw him flirting with a girl yesterday, was she jealous? Of course she was. It's already obvious. "What's wrong Midea? It's break time, you should eat." Fred said, giving her a cookies. "I don't wanna eat," She said. Turning the book she was reading to another page. "You have been reading that book since last week, did you borrow it?"

"Dean gave me this book, don't you remember?" She said and she can feel that something is gonna happen. "I will send 15 death eaters." A low tone of a voice was heard through Midea's ears. "U-uh. I have to go," She said, standing up and quickly left the Great Hall. It's unsafe.

When Dumbledore's Army are all in Department of Mysteries. They all pointed out our wands and saw 15 death eaters, they all captured everyone except for Harry. Bellatrix Le Strange is pulling Midea's forehead up and pointed out her wand on her chin.

"So, what are you gonna Harry Potter?" Bellatrix teased, grinning while still holding Midea. Jun was looking at her even Dolohov was holding him tightly, "I will kill you!" Harry said, pointing at his wand at Bellatrix Le Strange who is currently smirking as she licked her lips and released Midea, "Confringo!" Midea said as the spell she used was actually effective.

"Stupid girl!"

"You are just like your mother, what a pity. Molly Weasley, eh?" Midea gritted her teeth, "Don't you ever talk to my mother like that!" She said and she uses a spell, and after that Sirius Black showed. "Sirius!" Midea called as she hugged him and Jun pulled her to hide, it was a war between Lucius and Sirius. There was this moment when Bellatrix had lost it, but she still fought for it to save her own life.

And after that, it was like a bubble as Sirius went into the veil after Bellatrix killed him. Harry screamed as Professor Lupin tried to stopped him, but it was too late.

Sirius Black is now happy to be with his brother, Regulus.

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