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"He just stressed me out there." Midea said, removing her earrings as she sighed and put it inside her pocket for safety. "I think I'll just sleep here." Jun grinned at her. "You cannot sleep here tonight, Angelina might be here later."

"Is your brother a journalist like Rita Skeeter?" Dumb, "No. Why?" He just shrugged as he quickly removed his tie and pulled Midea's waist, they were now kissing. "Did you locked the door?" Midea asked, while her hands are on Jun's chest. "I did, now come on. This is just quick." Jun said as he placed kisses on her neck.

Jun switched their positions, he was now on her top as they continue kissing each other. Midea let out a moan as Jun covered it when someone knocked on the door, fuck. "Fuck, hide. Go!" Midea said as she pushes Jun, not that harsh. And Jun hide under her bed. "Bloody hell, Midea. Open this door!" Ronald yelled as she quickly opened it.

"What?" She asked and Ron just pushed Harry, "I was looking for Jun. I-is he here? Quidditch you know?" Harry said as he looked over in their room, "I swear, Ron. I heard someone here."

"I don't know what you are all talking about, he's not here. Maybe he was just at the potion making classroom? You know? Just go, I'll sleep now." She said as she immediately closed the door and locked it, "Use this. It'll be more useful, they were looking for you because of Qudditch Practice."

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫, wen junhui.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt