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"Hermione?" I said and, I just woked up and yawned. "How long have you been here?"

"Just now." She said and I nodded. I immediately changed myself into pants and still can't process on what's happening.

"Midea? Hermione?" Ron muttered our names. "It's us, what is it?" I asked while brushing my teeth.

"Nothing, where's Ginny?"

"Here." Ginny said as I made my way to the twin's room. "Fred, George. Wake up, we have to go!"

"Uh...where?" George said, putting back his blanket but I pulled it out.

"Wake up!" I quickly said and opened their windows.

They quickly stood up and I helped them to fix their blankets as well. "Where's mom?"

"I don't know, she is so early for us to leave here. Come on, I won't be waiting long enough with you guys." I said and put my backpack behind my back.

We were walking and I started to get bored as well. "How long enough, Dad?"

"Stop asking, Weasleys! We are almost there!" Dad yelled and then we saw three people.

"You must be Cedric and Jun, am I right?" Dad shaked their hands respectfully and both answered a "yes".

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other. Then I earned a look from Fred and George. "Stop." I rolled my eyes.

"Hold on tight, kids!" Amos said and I held on the spinning shoe tight. We we're thrown away safely of course.

"That almost killed me!" Ron is overreacting again. "Stop it, Ronald." Jun helped me to get up and I just smiled.

Walking away and entering our tent. Putting all our belongings in one table as well, "Put down all your filthy feet." I said pointing out my wand at them.

"Don't try to hex us, Midea." Fred threw back. "I'm not trying, Freddie."

"Ron get out of the kitchen, we're all hungry." Dad said. "Yeah, get out of the kitchen Ron."

"Feet off the table!"

"Feet off the table." The twins said putting their feet down in sync, but put it up again.

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫, wen junhui.Where stories live. Discover now