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It's been over a year and Sirius's death was still so awful about everything, it was so painful to watch how Midea cannot eat everyday because of it. She was at the Burrow right now after she graduated, and now she is helping Bill and Fleur to prepare something for the trio and to Jun. After Sirius died, Jun never leave Midea's side. "Here, eat." She said calmly, still trying to smile. But you can really see how much she cried.

Everyone noticed how she wasn't active and she was always in her room, and while she was eating peacefully with her family and friends she felt sick and read to vomit, "M-may I be excused for a moment?" She said as everyoje noticed that she was feeling so freakin' uncomfortable. Midea went upstairs and vomitted inside the bathroom.

She was also not feeling very well at this very moment. Jun then noticed her as he quickly went inside the bathroom to check on her, "Are you pregnant?" That was the first words that she heard from him. "Me? I-I'm not." She said, hiding it. It was obvious. But maybe it wasn't?

"I'll just rest, Jun. Don't worry about me." She said as she entered her bedroom, closing the door. Jun started to think about everything, of course. He went to the Diagon Alley to check the twins' on their own business now. "Why are you here, brother?"

"Midea." He said, calmly. As he cleared his throat and sighed, "How do I find out if a woman is pregnant?" The two widened their eyes. "WHAT?" George was shocked, of course he was. "I mean, what?"

"What do you mean, Jun? Have you seen her being so moody? Cause I've seen her being so bloody moody everyday, almost everyday." Fred corrected, whispering something to George. "Uhm, a lot of times. But it doesn't make sense, does it?"

"It makes sense. You have to talk to her, Midea is one to talk, Jun. If you really wanna know if she's really pregnant. Open a conversation with her."

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫, wen junhui.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora