Ending the clear accusation

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An elevator once filled with students, now only a few of us are here, and as Adam had said, it wouldn't be long before the number of students decreased, but what was I meant to do? Someone decided to willingly kill Ozan and for that well as they say an eye for an eye

Monokuma: welcome welcome, please make sure to take your places everyone, puhuhu

We all went to our usual spots, with three new lost students since our last trial, between Sebastian and Jill was a portrait of Leary, she didn't deserve to be seen that way, I suppose being isolated from everyone is about right for me huh? My left and right were both taken over by a portrait of Derek and Ozan

Monokuma: oh what fun this is, now I believe it's time for our favourite time of the class trial

Sebastian: this tragic state of affair again?

Monokuma: now for a basic explanation of the class trial. You all will discuss you would believe committed the crime of murder, after I am satisfied that you are all done you will all vote for who you believe is the blackened, if the blackened is given a majority vote then they alone will be punished, otherwise everyone else will be punished

Once more we were taking part in a deadly trial of life or death!

Jill: so where do we start?

Vicky: well not all of us know what happened, I mean I'm sure my group is a little limited on knowledge

Lewis: yeah I think some information would help

Alice: well we can't really help with confirming those who are innocent since four people found the body at the same time

Jill: that's annoying...we could've confirmed almost half the group as innocent otherwise

Alice: other then that well the four of us all saw Ozan in his last moments

Adam: by four of us you mean those named in the Monokuma file

Alice: yes myself, Sebastian, Faye and Harry

Lewis: ok so why was Ozan in the art room in the first place?

Sebastian: you three didn't show up so we split up to search for you

Lewis: so...it's our fault Ozan is dead

Vicky: Lewis you can't blame yourself like that

Adam: I think I have the basics down so I believe we should start with Ozan himself

Jill: what do you mean by that

Adam: well moreso him being in that specific room on that specific floor

And just like that the class trial has started I best do my part

Non stop debate start

Adam: why exactly when you all split up

Adam: did Ozan take the fourth floor?

Sebastian: I doubt there was a specific reason

Adam: how can you be so sure? Humans aren't so easy to predict

Jill: does that mean you know big brother?

Adam: well it's just a theory but I think he wanted to go to the fourth floor

Alice: why would he want to?

Adam: the art room

Alice: the art room? There's nothing special there

Adam: a weapon perhaps? He was the one who ended up dead

Lewis: w-wait are you saying that Ozan took his own life

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