End of the path

9 0 0

Where am I? What is this place?
It feels familiar like I've been here before and yet different

???: Faye

That voice! But it can't be

???: Faye, I know you can hear me

I can't believe this is possible, after all

Chloe: I should be dead right?

There in front of me was the Ultimate Manager Chloe Lloyd 

Faye: b-but how

Chloe: that doesn't matter Faye, after all why would I ever forgive you

Faye: forgive me?

Chloe: you know what you did, you killed me!

Faye: what? No I didn't that was-

???: me right?

I turned around, now I knew something was wrong, how...how was John here

John: you murderer! You are nothing but a disgusting murderer

Faye: wha! You two? John I didn't kill anyone

Chloe: you killed us both Faye, you should've have used that talent of yours in order to realise I would be a clear victim, your pointless talent is the only reason I died

John: and it was you who led the class trial, you know the one where I was found guilty and because of that died for it

Faye: don't just blame me for your mistakes! Chloe you were the one who selfishly killed Ozan, that target on your back was of your own making and you John, it was you who let their anger take control of themselves and need I forget that you outed yourself in the end

Chloe: ...

John: ...

The two figures almost seemed to fade away as I suddenly woke from my dream, what in the world was that? It was definitely a nightmare but why now? It's true that sometimes when my detective skills are the reason someone is sentenced to death I would get horrid flashbacks at what could be their fate but definitely not to this extent well I couldn't let it stop me now, all this thinking made me not hear the morning announcement, well I best be on my way.

Leary: ...

Faye: oh Leary, what are you doing here?

Leary: Faye...

Faye: that didn't exactly answer the question

Leary: I don't think I'm ready for the...loudness yet

Faye: that's fair enough however I believe you should get ready for it either way

Leary: perhaps so yes

I watched Leary walk to the canteen before following after her, inside the usual scene played before me

Derek: I'm telling yas, my pranks are harmless

Janet: you utter fool, it was a knife that sprung out. How in the world is that harmless

Derek: no one got hurt did they?

Alice: that isn't the point you menace! What would happen if someone didn't pull Zara back? That would've killed her

Leary: a knife...trap?

Derek: it was only a little prank guys come on

Janet: we cannot just have you putting people at risk You absolute buffoon

Zara: you two don't need to worry so much, I am completely fine as is Lewis

Lewis: I have to admit the second I saw that knife I was worried someone hid in there and was trying to kill you but I guess we got lucky

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