A lie hidden in truth

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Ding Dong Ding Dong

Monokuma: good morning future victims, it is now 8am meaning you may now enter the school store and restaurant. Happy killing

I had woken up from my room and was about to leave when I noticed something

Faye: a piece of paper?

I looked one the side of the paper facing me and it said the following

'Two truths and One lie motive, one of the statements is a lie but the other two are truths, good luck figuring it out and no telling any of these statements to the others!"

Noticing a lack of statements on that side of the paper I turned it over to see what these statements were

The mastermind is a student
The traitor knows who they are
Tpir hlsei an asc olet

What the? These are the statements I've been given? Ok let's just go through these one at a time, first the mastermind is a student, well I could have told you that much, it was very much likely one of us here is the mastermind so that is likely the truth however there's the possibility it's a lie that's making me believe that since it's obvious to me it would be the truth, then is the second statement, not once has Monokuma ever even hinted at there being a traitor which considering my last killing game that is very strange but this is actually the opposite of the previous statement where I believe it's the lie but that might be the point of it so it could easily be the truth as well. Then there's the last statement and I'm not sure what is going on with it, it looks to me that the spaces are meant to show words so the first word is four letters long, the second is five letters long as so forth, I would also assume that these words use the letters in the statement however is this a massive clue or a red herring. It seems I cannot judge any of these statements as the truth or the lie, how impressive of the mastermind. Well I suppose I should head to the meeting area

Harry: ...hey

As expected everyone got the motive

Lewis: why can't we just say our statements...

Adam: it causes doubts, if we cannot compare statements it means we cannot make correct conclusions

Jill: does that mean some statements contradict each other?

Adam: yes, which is why we cannot share them

Vicky: that's evil...

The mood was down, doubt where in everyone at the moment, I'm sure they were thinking things like me 'who's the traitor, who's the mastermind, which of these is the lie?' But there was no clear way to confirm it...however is it just me or do the people here seem to know all three of their statements? That's strange did only I get one that was a code?

Sebastian: enough of this, and I thought you were all Ultimates

Alice: what are you trying to say huh!

Sebastian: you all let a few words take your spirits down? How can you even believe what that bear is saying?

Lewis: I mean it's not like he lies often

Sebastian: yes not often but it's still entirely possible correct?

Harry: we are talking about a motive here, he doesn't lie about those

Sebastian: then let's pretend they are, so what? I'm assuming you all got at least one statement that looked bad in terms of trusting the others well if this is all it took for you to not trust them well how can you say you bonded with them?

Adam: ...he's right, we should be trusting each other more

Lewis: right even with this motive we can trust everyone

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