Chapter VII: Velvet red

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I woke up in a dark room, laying on my side. I tried to get up, but as soon as I tried, I felt a sharp pain in my wrists. I looked down at them and noticed they were chained to the wall. I tried to lift my head, but I was too dizzy, so I laid it down again, closing my eyes. Trying to rest a bit.

But my rest didn't last long. It was disturbed by a strong light source falling on top of my face, hitting my eyes. I opened them, this time I was strong enough to lift my head and speak:

''What the hell do you want?'' I asked.

''You speak russian, and so did that spy. So you could understand her, what did she say?'' Moriarity asked, kneeling down next to me.

''Don't tell him.'' I heard a weak voice say, I turned my head towards the voice. It was Sherlock.

''You should shut up you know.'' Moriarity said, walking over to Sherlock.

''Don't you dare lay a finger on him.'' I warned Moriarity, who turned to me in response.

''Whoo, are you protecting him?'' he asked.

I didn't awnser.

''Well, maybe if I leave you two here, you guys will change your minds.'' Moriariy said walking out of the room: ''One More Change.'' He sang.

The door closed behind him with a loud bang.

''Are you okay?'' I asked Sherlock, concerned.


''Are You Okay?'' I repeated.

''Oh, yeah. You?'' He asked.



''Don't worry, they didn't take him.'' I said, turning to Sherlock.

''How did you know I was thinking about that?'' He asked.

''I have the same 'thing' as you.'' I confessed.

''The deduction thing?''

''No shit Sherlock.''

''I like you.'' Sherlock said, but in a way that could mean that he either liked me as a person or as a love interest.

''Well, your not so bad yourself.'' I replied, in the same way as he did a couple of seconds ago.

A silence followed, I could see that Sherlock was processing what I just told him. And out of nowhere, the door swung open.

''Helloo'' Moriarity's voice sang throughout the room: ''Have you made up your minds?''

Both me and Sherlock stayed silent, at which you could Moriarity's complete body language change.

''No? We are gonna do it a different way than.'' He said, walking up to me.

I could feel the tension in the room build up, and so did Sherlock.

''If I can't have the information, no one can.''

The next couple of seconds went in slow-motion. I saw it for a moment, tucked into his waist, I couldn't help but notice the helm of the blade, practically waiting for me. The cold feeling of a blade making its way through my skin. The warm feeling of fresh blood rolling down my side in contrast. The smirk on Jims face and the sound of Sherlocks breath being cut off by a gasp.

Tainted with a smooth, velvet red, a stream meandered from the wound on my side, leaving me in undiscribable pain.

Sherlock stumbled over to me, kneeling down next to me. The feeling of his cold hands on my side made my body melt into him.

From the beginning on there had always been some sort connection between me and Sherlock. Although we hadn't known eachother for long, we cared for eachother and accepted eachother. Maybe even more than that.

As he reached over to my side, he looked at me for allowance. I nodded as he examined the wound on my side, I growled in pain. He looked over to me in horror as he realised that he couldn't do anything about it.

He grabbed the upper part of my body and laid it down on his lap, cupping my face in his hands.

''I'm here.'' He said.

''I know.'' I said, smiling weakly.

I felt like it was all gonna end here, I was gonna be retired, right now and here. But to my surprise, Lestrade barged in with Mycroft and a lot of police officers behind him. I looked Sherlock in the eyes one more time before I closed my eyes and drifted off.

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