Chapter VI: I've got your back

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Some time went by since I saw Sherlock again after our last meeting. Mycroft informed me about a russian spy that they were trying to break through questioning her, but that wasn't easily done because she refused to speak english, just russian. I decided to go and take a look at how the interogation was going.

I stood in front of the double-sided glass window of the room where Mycroft and his brother were currently trying to interogate the girl .You could only see who was in the room from the outside, from the inside it was just a plain mirror.

Nothing seemed to go to plan, so I decided to help them out a bit. I walked over to the door of the room, ready to step in. When I reached for the handle, I was held back by a weak grip. I turned around: Anderson.

''You can't go in.'' He hissed.

''Anderson, don't be a fool, let me in.'' I hissed back.

He looked at me mockingly while raising his eyebrow:

''Let.Me.In.'' I hissed, this time a little less friendly.

He immediatly opened the door and I walked into the room silently. I now noticed the girl was not talking russian, she was singing a russian song:

''Я заливаю глаза керосином''

(I fill my eyes with Kerosine)

''Пусть всё горит, пусть всё горит''

(Let them burn, Let them burn)

''На меня смотрит вся Россия''

(All of Russia is watching me)

''Пусть всё горит, пусть всё горит''

(Let them burn, Let them burn)

I joined in:

''Я заливаю глаза керосином''

(I fill my eyes with Kerosine)
''Пусть всё горит, пусть всё горит''

(Let them burn, Let them burn)
''На меня смотрит вся Россия''

(All of russia is watching me)
''Пусть всё горит, пусть всё горит...''

(Let them burn, Let them burn.)

She stopped and so did I.

Yes, I spoke russian. As a matter of facts, I was born in Russia. The Holmes' boys turned their heads in my direction, both of them spoke up:

''You speak russian?!'' They asked, almost yelling.

''I was born in Russia, ofcourse I do.'' I turned to Mycroft: ''You should have known.''

There was a short silence, untill a group of men stormed into the room, armed with guns. By the looks on Sherlock face, I knew it wasn't good. My first reaction was to stand in front of the brothers, protecting them. One of the men reached towards his pocket, trying to grab his gun.

''Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you." I said in a warning tone.

In response he grabbed the gun and tried to fire it, but I was a step ahead. I lauched myself at him, causing him to drop his gun. One hit across the face was enough to get him to the ground for some time while dealing with the other men. I took them out one by one, dodging bullets. As I looked to my side I could see Sherlock fighting too, but I didn't seem to go to plan. I watched for a second untill I saw Sherlock laying on the ground, the man on top of him.

I ran over to him, jumping at the man who was on top of Sherlock, saving him for the second time in a row. I ended up knocking the man out, trying to catch my breath.

''Thank you.'' Sherlock said.

''Yeah.'' I said, sighting.

Within the next couple of seconds a lot happened. A man, which I could later identify as Jim Moriarity, stepped into the room. A syringe in his hand. I heard two loud bangs, and as I turned to look over my shoulder, Sherlock and Mycroft had fallen to the ground.

''What the hell did you do to them?'' I asked, yelling.

''The same as you.'' He awnsered, walking up to me.

Within the next seconds my question was awnsered by the feeling of a needle being injected in my neck, I collapsed to the floor.

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