I know. I know.

He doesn’t let me go, forcing me to stumble over my own feet as he grips me tightly to his form.

“Do you think I’m scared of you? Because I’m not! I want to see her... I want to... Thelma!” Undeniable relief rushes all over Hope’s face when she sees me, even tears floating in her gorgeous moss eyes. I can feel them in mine too, I’d forgotten how fucking beautiful she is.

She seems to forget where she is as she attempts to run up towards me, only for security to shove her back so harshly she falls straight into Craig’s arms. I’ll kill them all.

“Don't fucking touch her!” I scream out without thinking, but regret it immediately when Jordano digs his nails into my arms.

“She is the one that is trespassing, farfalla. My men are just doing their job.” Well they don’t need to be such cunts about it.

Hope smiles and waves at me, the tears slipping from her eyes when they fall on my face, but Jordano only lets us get within six feet of each other before pulling me to a standstill, his man acting like a wall between us.

“Can I-”

“I must understand her purpose first, she has had no contact with you Belle, we must be cautious as to her intentions.” It’s Hope, she doesn’t have intentions... other than to be human sunshine.

She looks at me dumbfounded when Jordano holds me to him, not letting me take another step.

“Babe, what are you doing? Come here.” She extends both her arms out to me, and I completely fucking crumble, trying to force my way out of his hold but he just grips that much tighter, leaning down into my ear.

“It is not safe for her to be here, farfalla. Not at this time. It would be in both your best interests to make her leave, this is not her place.” I know, I know, but at least let me give her a hug first.

“Hope, babe, what are you doing here?” She looks at me with confusion, attempting to side step one of the guys and force her way through to me, but he slams his stupidly overcompensating gun against her chest and pushes her back.

Don’t hurt her. Please, don’t hurt her.

“What are you talking about? I haven’t spoken to you in almost two weeks! Nobody has! I had to come make sure you were still alive before Brie came to rip my head off to get your address!” Two weeks? No, that’s not possible... It's only been a few days.

How long was that bender?

“I... I tried calling you but-”

“As you can see, she is perfectly safe. Your presence is not required here, nor is it welcome.” Jordano cuts me off, his eyes never leaving Hope. “You are trespassing on private property. Although I appreciate your compassion for your friend, I feel a simple phone call would have sufficed in this instance.”

“What are you talking about? I’ve been trying to call-”

“Did it occur to you that Belle has not contacted you as she is comfortable with her life here? A life you are now trying to force your way back into... after feeling excluded? These are childlike games, Hope. She is not in need of your control, you have no say over her here. She is free.” Hope squints her eyes, but she can’t read his lips, turning to Craig to translate, which he does but his keep darting all over every gun that could hit them with a bullet.

And there’s a fuck-tonne of them

“Control? You want to preach to me about control!” She shoves her tiny head between the security, looking like a cute hamster squeaking fearlessly at some pit-bulls as she spits her words at him. “May, fuck this guy, come here.” I see the look of confusion on a few of the men’s faces, nobody has ever called me that here.

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