Chapter 126

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What the fuck did I do last night?

Every inch of my body aches, he gave me way more than he ever has before, that much I know for sure. I think... Fuck, maybe I do need Rosa’s bottle.

I didn’t even feel in control, someone just standing on the outside looking in on my crumbling life. As I stand in this scorching hot shower, wiping away every sickening drop of blood from my skin, I know just how bad it’s got.

There’s so much, I don’t know what’s mine and what’s his, but there's so fucking much.

I’m serous, it’s fucking everywhere.

My stomach, my arms, my hair... my thighs. Why is there so much on my thighs?



I freeze under the steaming stream, looking down at my blood covered legs, my shaking hand going towards my core. Please, please, please don’t hurt.

Relief washes over me when I pull back my hand and there's no blood there.

He wouldn’t do that, not while I was passed out.

He wouldn’t do that, right?

My head is pounding, I feel sick every time I move, and I swear I’m coming down with the flu or something, because I’ve never felt this shit.

Even as I get out of the shower, I just feel like crawling back into bed. Not the blood soaked one, obviously, I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to walk into that room again.

I just need rest.

Or I did, until I hear the one voice screaming in through the windows that makes every cell in my body spring back to life.

“Where the fuck is she? I want to see my sister!” No.

I grab the first clothes I see, throwing them over my still dripping wet body and trying not to throw up the whiskey still rolling around in my stomach without a bit of food, as I run down the stairs.

My heart races in my chest, every step I take just makes it worse, but I can’t stop, bounding through the guest house and barrelling out onto the courtyard, to see her standing there.


My beautiful Hope.

“I don’t give a fuck! Go get her!” Hope shows absolutely no fear, because she’s a wonderful idiot like that, hollering in the face of the security at the bottom of the driveway like he isn’t carrying an assault riffle inches from her face.

What is she doing here?

Who gives a fuck, she’s here!

I make to run straight into her arms, my soul crying out for hers, but before I even come into her line of sight my arm is grabbed by a much stronger hand, Jordano ripping me back to face him with venom dripping from his fangs.

“She should not be here. How does she know of this place?” Shit.

When we first came to stay here, the only way she’d let me come was if I sent her my location. I never thought she’d actually fucking show up at a mafia house!

Why wouldn’t she just call?

“I don’t know why she’s here, I haven’t spoken to her since she left. I need to go talk to her.” I turn but he just pulls me back, holding my back to his chest and wrapping his arms around me tightly.

A cage. Pushing me straight into his cage.

“We shall speak with her together.” I already feel like my body is dressed in a lead onesie, heavy and lethargic. I’ve never felt this crap in my life, but it’s only made worse by his humongous weight hanging off me as well. “Belle, we both know she should not be here.”

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