Chapter 6

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A quiet smile within a dim room, fingers tapping in near silence

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A quiet smile within a dim room, fingers tapping in near silence.

Cheeks warm at the statement, covering her mouth with the back of her hand to hide the smile no one could see, before a message is sent moments after

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Cheeks warm at the statement, covering her mouth with the back of her hand to hide the smile no one could see, before a message is sent moments after.

'Sooner, rather than later.'


Clouds encroached upon Evervalley for days after agreeing to sing a ballad, and on the third day their watery platoons wreaked havoc upon the denizens below. Between hair appointments, recording studio sessions, massages, body waxing, longer studio recording sessions, and even more massages, there were lulls in the downpours. On day four, they returned. Not as torrential, yet the promise of passing cars splashing those who traverse the sidewalk still remained.

Within the confines of a dry and elegantly decorated, upscale dress boutique, the nighttime rainfall creates a calming atmosphere amidst the chaos of choosing what to wear for the charity dinner. Racks of dresses in various shapes, colors, textures, and lengths lined up proudly. Those that haven't successfully made it past the first round of picks are sent away; bedraggled and rejected, unfastened, and hastily placed onto hangers only to hang unevenly on a rod straight rack.

On a chaise lounge, Nira, in black leggings and a cropped long sleeve top with black high tops, sits with outstretched legs, smiling at her phone as private dialogue is quietly exchanged. Not having been scheduled for security, she can actually attend as a guest, with hopes to ask Valja to be her plus one. The message is still saved to her drafts, however. A foot twitches as she thinks over possibilities of never having asked versus just going for it. The dinner is just a few days away, but there are plans to meet with him after the outfit fitting.

If Ria could just make up her mind.

Indigo stepped out from the dressing room, wearing a vanilla colored embroidered dress. Delicate flowers in pastels float from their stitching on tulle, gliding over loose tulle sleeves and up to the collar that melts into her skin tone. The dress does well to accentuate the bodily blessings bestowed upon Indigo without making her look ready to be put on a grill.

"Indigo..." Nira says her name in awe as she sits properly, legs now off to the side. "That's definitely your dress!"

"Right?!" Indigo strides over to the mirror, amazed at what she sees. "I don't even want to try on any others!"

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