Chapter 3

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Grogginess envelops the breakfast table the next day, every seat filled with the inhabitants of the house. Spoons somehow manage to find their goal, carrying sugary nutrition and milk to mouths that could barely move in sync with brain signals. All except one person has fallen prey to post-wakening drowsiness, as she hums a tune familiar to her housemates. Her tail swishes in conjunction with her happy mood, reading an article on a tablet, her usual fox ears missing. With the rare full day off, Nira doesn't need to be in uniform, but it isn't like she wore them in her own home, anyway.

After all these years, Ria still can't understand how Nira could be a morning person. The only reason she's acknowledging the early part of the day is for nourishment. With the entire day off from her hectic schedule, she plans to catch up with something near and dear to her: sleep. Her cotton T-shirt dress and satin scarf protecting her hair is the only effort she'll put into getting dressed today. Eyes half closed and mouth chewing her cereal, a plan bubbles its way to the surface, causing a mischievous smile to form.

"Prince Valja was checking you out yesterday."

Just a single sentence caused so much disturbance. Choking, back thumping, jaws dropping, and gulps of water took place in under sixty seconds. Never has Ria brimmed with accomplishment so early in the morning. She takes another spoonful of sustenance, waiting for Nira to compose herself and for her brother to return to his seat after helping her victim clear her air passages.

Not one to be in the spotlight much, or at all, Nira fought fire with fire to deflect attention from her reddening face and having to dignify that statement with an affirmation or denial. She knows Ria to be brutally honest and more observant about things like that, but she couldn't easily believe that anyone would look at her with such intentions.

"Ren was here last night."

Nira could have sworn she heard bones crack with how fast Ria's neck turned in her direction, eyes wide in surprise mixed with mild irritation. The same expression appears on Ria's brother's and cousin's faces.

"What?!" All three of them spoke at once, with varying levels of anger and disbelief. Deflection achieved.

"I asked how he knew where to find you, but he didn't go into detail." Every pair of eyes are on Nira, but it's not filling her stomach with twists and knots that extend to her mouth. "I told him if he wants to make things right, then he should come to the charity dinner. He'll let you know he's there." At this point, Nira holds the tip of her tail, allowing idle her fingers to ground herself in its sleek fur, and looks to Ria, seeing the confliction on her face. From the stories she's told of this mysterious man who found a place to occupy in Ria's heart, Nira could tell having Ren back in her life is bittersweet.

With a heavy exhale, Ria put on a smile, although it does not reach her eyes. "You did good, Nira-"

"I'll roast him." Ria's brother's eyes turned a reddish hue, the air around the table a bit warmer than usual and a halo of heat emanating from his shoulders and head. The switch to their native tongue gave the situation an extra seasoning of seriousness along with the heat. Ria doubts her brother would even be generous enough for "extra spices" to go along with the roasting, and would go straight to business.

"And not even his teeth will be found." Her cousin added on, with an edge to his words that are more promise than threat as he takes a casual sip from his glass of water.

This is exactly why Ria hadn't wanted to talk about Ren much around her family. They're quick to go into overprotective older sibling mode without a second thought to consequences, yet for them, getting away with murder is extremely possible. Basically likely. "No one needs to off anyone, alright? I'm capable of handling my own tragic love life." Her gaze turns to her brother, noticing his still red eyes and continuous heat vapors. "Simmer down, Josh."

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