Chapter 9

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Mars's POV

I tried turning over in my sleep, but there was something laying against me. I open my eyes to the sight of Channie curled up, clinging to my body like a koala clutching the branches of a eucalyptus tree. His head is laying against my chest, and his arm is thrown across my stomach.

I assumed he was a little cuddle bug. He just never had the comfort of a loved one to help him with that. I'm not sure how Jin sleeps, but gathering from what Tae said, they all sleep terribly. Like all over the bed to the point it's ridiculous.

Growing up, Ma said I used to lay right up under her, not caring if she got too hot with all my body heat. It was just more comfortable, and I felt safe. Even as I got older, if I had a moment where I just wanted to be a big baby, I'd jump in her bed and cuddle her to death. Shit used to knock me out like a light.

I grab my phone to check the time and it's almost 7am. At this point, I'm basically awake for the day. It's Sunday so I want to make breakfast. It's a tradition I had with Momma, so I kept it going even when it was just me. Besides, black people may cook everyday, but you KNOW Sunday was a full course meal kinda day. Maybe I can make that a good memory for Channie. Always having a good breakfast to look forward to any day is cool, but Sunday's we can make it a bit grander.

I ease myself away from him, snatching a pillow for it to take my place. He still looks so peaceful as if he hasn't slept a day in his life. It makes me smile honestly. I'm glad he's comfortable with me so quickly. He's like the little brother I've never had, yet I want to protect and give him everything as if he were my own child. His mother was taken from him so early on in his life, the poor baby hasn't really been able to experience such a bond.

Even though I got to hold onto my mother a while longer, I understand him.

Not waking him up, I head to the bathroom to freshen up; brushing my teeth, washing my face, and taking off this bonnet. A high ponytail should do while I'm cooking, and after breakfast I'll take these faux locs out. I need to wash my hair, REAL BAD!

To calm Tae's nerves, I grab my black basketball shorts, and a oversized black crop top. As I'm sliding them on I see Channie shift in the bed. I almost freeze right in my spot, but he went back to sleep. Grabbing my phone, I check on him one more time and peck his forehead lightly before I close my door and head to the kitchen. I already know what I want too, homemade waffles layered with eggs, bacon, and sausage. Add another waffle on top, cut it up, and drizzle the syrup all over!

A fucking food orgasm!

"Oh, good morning Marcellé. I didn't think you'd be up this early."

"Morning Papa K. I'm a early bird and a night owl all at once." He's sitting at the island on his phone, the sound of him dying on the game instantly makes me chuckle. I walk over and hug him.

To say good morning and console him for his loss.

"You'll get 'em next time tiger."

"Oh hush! I almost beat the damn thing. Wait till I do it! Are you about to cook again?"

"That I am. I want some waffle sandwiches. Batter is easy to make and stretch for everyone, plus eggs and meat are in surplus here. I think we'll be good."

"I'm telling you, them grown boys go be spoiled rotten. Any woman they get will have a hell of a standard to live up to if you keep cooking."

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