Things Fall Apart (2)

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My eyes open slowly, my head and body are aching as i try to sit up on the ground. It takes me a second to remember what's happened but it comes back to me quickly. Bunches of groans and owing is heard around me, I look around to dee kenji crawling down from a tree, Ben Sammy and Daruis on the ground, and Yas and Brooklyn slowly walking around. 

The dinosaur roars loudly again, we all jump slightly. "Where the heck is that thing?" Kenji asks, clinging to the tree. Were all dead silent. "Its coming" Ben whisper yells as he scooches to Kenji whos now off the tree. "Shh! it could be anywhere" Yas tells us. 

"The observation tower was that way? Or was it that way? I..." Brooklyn sighs while trying to figure out where were at. 

Darius gasps loudly, hands checking his chest. "Where's- No, no. My necklace, I felt it in my bunk!" The dino roars again making us all huddle close together. "We've got slightly bigger problems than--" Kenji starts but is cut off by the dinosaur. 

"We have to run. Now! It sounds like its getting closer." I half-shout to the others as we all take off running to who knows where.  

After what seems like forever we make it into a clearing. It goes silent once again, all of us just stare in shock at once was our camp but has now been pulled down from the large tree and is completely destroyed. I cant help but think what would've happened if ben stayed up there.

"Dave, Roxie, the other workers, they must've all gotten away." Sammy tries to lighten the mood slightly.

"Not all of them." We hear Ben say as he falls to his knees while walking away from an upside down jeep. I don't want to see anymore death today. 

After messing with a walkie talkie and throwing it to the ground Yas speaks up. "Were on our own." Looks of disappointment, and fear appear on all of our faces. Were just kids how the hell are we supposed to get off this island alone.

"Give me my phone!" Brooklyn yells at Sammy, getting in her face. 


"I don't care about you sneaking into Dr. Wu's lab, I don't care about whatever you did with the skin samples you took from the Sinoceratops-"

"What skin samples" Yas asks. The rest of us grow even more confused. "What were you doing in Dr. Wu's Lab" Kenji asks. 

"I don't even care that you stole it now. All i wanna do is call for help! Where is it?" Brooklyn continues to bombard Sammy, forcing her to walk backwards further and further.

"Uh, I...  I.. I don't know what you're talkin' about! Skin samples? Sneaking into labs? You made up some crazy thing in your own dang head!" Sammy stutters then snaps back at Brooklyn, now making her way to the rest of us.

"Hey back off! Not everything revolves around your phone! It isn't Sammy's fault you lost it!" Yas is quick to back up Sammy while getting in Brooklyn's face. 

"Would you guys please keep it down?! There's a big--" Ben interrupts. "A big, scary dinosaur? Of course threes a big, scary dinosaur! There's always a big, scary dinosaur!" Kenji snaps at ben, getting in his face too.

"And you're always a big-mouthed jerk!" Ben yells. "Yeah? Well, at least I don't play with crayons!" Kenji stammers

"Give it back!"

"Back off!"

"What is your problem with me? I'm trying to get us, all of us out of this mess!" Brooklyn starts again. 

I walk to the side with Daruis, staring up at the destroyed rope bridge. "My necklace, no" He says sadly. "I'm sorry Daruis I don't really know how much it meant to you but still." I try to comfort him a bit. They continue to argue behind us.

"No one is getting out of here! We just saw people get eaten! Were alone, were defenseless. Were dead." Ben yells, then sits down huddling into himself. Its quiet for a second before the groans start and everyone walks away from each other.

"were not giving up! I get it. Its scary. This wasn't  how it was supposed to be. Things aren't always going to go your way. Life is messy and sometimes... things fall apart. But that's okay because when that happens, we pick up the pieces and keep going. And we never give up." Darius begins with his encouraging save us all ramble, which surprisingly works. 

"What about your necklace?" Brooklyn asks him. "Its not important. I've got the memories right here." He puts his hand on his heart. 

"What are we supposed to do?" I ask. 

"Get south to the park. Get help. And the only way well make it is if we stick together. Were a team or were nothing at all." Darius answers. 

"Or, you know, we don't go back into the jungle." Ben gives his opinion. 

"You can wait for the negligent babysitters,  but I'm with Daruis" Kenji slings his arm around Darius' shoulder. 

"Wait, really?" 

"Dude, there's no way i survived a dinosaur attack..." Just as hes speaking a huge piece of wood falls from above and lands right in front of kenji.  "... just to be taken out by cheap camp debris. Kenji ain't goin' out like that. Were going south. the rest of you coming or what?" Kenji, still holding onto Daruis, begins to walk away. 

I don't waste any time and quickly follow after them.

"I'm in" Brooklyn says. 

"Were in too." Yas wraps her arm around Sammy's shoulder.

"Um, but guys?" Ben gasps then sighs. "Its just one dinosaur. Its just one dinosaur. Its just one dinosaur...." He mutters to himself before following us.

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