Things Fall Apart

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"What was that.." I ask.

"Um, a T. rex?" Kenji answers with a question. 

"Mm-mm. I don't think so." Darius shakes his head

"Then what sort of dinosaur did it sound like? Friend-ish? Or foe-ish?" Ben questions with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Where's it comin' from?"

"Cant see anything from here. The trees are blocking everything." Yasmina explains.

"Maybe they're moving a new dino from the lab to another enclosure. We could probably see it from the observation tower! Could be cool." Darius exclaims.

All of us start to run out of the room to the elevator, Ben is still drawing with his crayons. "But, guys, its Indoor arts and Crafts Day! We should stay and wait for Dave and Roxie, right, Kenji?" Ben looks up to Kenji as he hops over the couch. 

"If you wanna stay here and draw you and your dino-crush, go for it. I'm gonna go see me a T. rex or a girl-fight. Either way, I win. Ka-ching!" Kenji pats ben on the shoulder before running to the rest of us.

"Fine, go on! Ill just stay where were supposed to stay, wait who were supposed to wait for, and be right where were supposed to be." Ben yells then he goes silent. We hear him start screaming for us to wait for him. 


"Its locked!" Kenji points out the obvious. "Thanks captain obvious" I say to him. 

"If were doing this... then we might as well do this." Brooklyn crouches and begins to pick the lock with her hair pin, the gate swinging open a second later. "Ta-Da!"

"Last to the top is a rotten egg!" Sammy shouts, all of us begin to chase after and start climbing the stairs. 

Everyone is panting once we reach the top, Kenji coming in last place. "No... more... stairs! There better be... something good." He groans and flops onto the floor.

"Yeah that's why you lost kenji!" I laugh at him proudly with my arms on my hips.

The ground begins shaking underneath us, rattling the observation tower.  

"There's something out there." Brooklyn says softly

"Somethin big.." Darius finishes. Ben gasps as the thudding gets closer.

"Its just a Brachiosaurus." We all sigh loudly in relief. 

"But that doesn't make any sense. Brachiosauruses don't roar like that. There more like..." Darius explains as he begins to imitate the dinosaur. 

"Hey! What are you kids doing outside? There's an asset out of containment! You cant be up there!" Some random park workers start yelling at us from below.

"What are they saying" I ask. They are too far for us to hear them properly. "Oh, great! They look mad. I told you we'd get in trouble." Ben says to us all while the men below are still yelling nonsense. 

"You're gonna have to speak up!" Kenji looks over the edge and yells back to them. 

A sudden roar steals our attention, looking back to the Brachiosaurus we see it roar in pain before it falls down and lands on the ground with a thud. All of us jump back from the rail with a scream. 

"Oh my gosh" I scream out, seeing a huge T. rex looking dino coming out of the woods, killing both of the workers who we now realize were trying to save us.

Blood splatters all over as the huge dinosaur lets out a blood curdling roar.  "What.. is.. that" Yasmina says fearfully. "It got him! It got him!" Ben points down. 

"Dr. Wu's lab. There was a dinosaur. In--" Brooklyn starts to tell us.

"Indominus Rex." Sammy whispers.

Sammy begins to usher us to leave now. "Up here is safe, down there isn't. Besides, this high up, its not like whatever-Rex there can even see us" Kenji shudders, backing away from the edge.

Peering over once again, the Indominus Rex stares directly up at us. Roaring and snarling it charges at the tower, busting down the gate with one hit. It begins tearing at the solid metal beams, breaking the tower slowly.

"Sammy!" I yell loudly as the tower tips and she begins to fly over the edge, Yas catching her at the last moment. We all rush to help pull her up. "The zip line. Go, go, go!" Darius points to the seats attached to the line.

Ben is shoved first into the seat by Brooklyn, the tower is shaken and once again throwing us around. Kenji throws ben down the zipline, the rest of us finding our way onto the seats quickly. 

All of us set off fast, not realizing bens seat malfunctioned stopping him directly in the way of the line. The rest of ours begin to stop one by one.  "Woah! No, no, no!"

Darius and Yasmina come crashing into us, stopping the emergency break making us head for the other lookout. "Its working!" Darius yells. 

There's a loud crash and the wire were all attached to goes limp. Next thing you know there's a snap and all of us have came detached from the zip line, sending us flying down into the trees below us. 

And then everything goes black.

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