Part 8 - Namjoon's POV

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Jungkook and I rushed to the trapdoor that led to the attic. I don't think any of us have ever been in the attic except for that ghost, Yoongi. The last time I tried going in there, apparently it was Yoongi that shut it in my face. That was pretty rude. I could have gotten hurt if my head was any closer.

I still didn't want to believe any of this supernatural stuff was real, but I witnessed it right in front of my eyes. I saw Yoongi disappear and Y/N's hair lift up into the air on its own. No doubt JK was Jung-shook, too.

Once we reached the attic, Jungkook tried leaping up and getting the trap door open, but with no success. While I let him do that, I grabbed the small ladder from the little closet nearby. I made him move so I could unfold it and put it down. Climbing up to the trapdoor in the ceiling, I attempted to open it, but it wouldn't budge. The lock was undone, so why wouldn't it open? My guess was that there was stuff piled on top of it so no one could get through. I tried to push up and get the stuff on top to fall off. The trapdoor lifted a bit, but it wasn't enough.

I let Jungkook try to open the entrance to the attic. He had trouble like I did. Instead of giving up, Jungkook went up another step on the ladder and tried to use his legs. It was working, but it still wasn't enough. He went up another step and his legs pushed upwards against the trapdoor even harder. I heard a couple things fall with a big thump on the floor above me and Jungkook's body was halfway through the ceiling. He climbed into the attic and I was right behind him.

Once I got to the top and stood up next to the open trapdoor, I saw that the whole place was really dark and I could smell how dusty it was, causing me to sneeze.

Jungkook: Bless you.

Then I sneezed again.

Jungkook: Bless you two times.

Namjoon: Thanks.

I sniffled, but then I felt another sneeze coming in. I waited. It stopped, then faded away.

Taking a few steps forward and pulling out my phone, ready to turn on my flashlight, my face ran into something that was hanging from the ceiling. I pinched it, thinking it was the light to the attic, and tugged. There was a little click and the place lit up.

There were a lot of cobwebs hanging around and I could see the dust flying. The whole place looked to be made of wood, but some of the planks seemed to be a little worn down. Nobody has been up here in quite some time. Who was up here last, I wonder?

Jungkook: So... What are we looking for?

Namjoon: The ghost said to keep an eye on the walls for something that looks unusual.

Jungkook: Right. Maybe there's a secret passage somewhere.

Namjoon: That sounds like something from old mafia or murder mystery movies.

Jungkook: It could still happen.

Namjoon: I don't think this is one of those houses, Jungkookie.

Jungkook and I started taking a look around, studying the details in the walls. I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary and Jungkook hasn't said anything, either. I kept searching around. At this point, I was hoping that the ghost was right.

If he turned out to be working with the demon all along and sent us up here so they could separate us from Y/N and kill her first, and then kill us up here when we're not looking, we're going to have some serious problems. I mean, what if he was just being nice to Y/N and playing her for a fool? Why did he want only her when he sent us up here? Why did he feel like he had to separate us living people? What exactly did he want her for?

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