Part 2 - ???'s POV

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The girl was curled up in a ball and hiding her face. I smirked in amusement, but then after hearing her heavy, sharp breathing, it made me realize how terrified she was. No. More than terrified. She expressed more fear than I have ever seen in my time haunting this house. She was petrified. It wasn't funny anymore. I stopped smiling. I was starting to feel bad for her. Maybe changing my appearance into that corpse was a really bad idea. She'll be scarred for life because of this.

In pity, I turned my appearance into my regular ghost form. I was no longer invisible to the eye. No more of my stupid pranks. I've been haunting her for days now and I think she's fed up with it. I would be, too, to be honest. I couldn't tell what she was thinking; if she couldn't get the images out of her head or if she was considering moving out since I've been trying to get her to do that these past three weeks.

I lowered onto my knees to the girl, unsure what to do. I mindlessly went to touch her shoulder, but my hand went straight through. I guess I didn't focus hard enough to allow myself to make physical contact with her. Her shoulder flinched. Did she feel something from me? Weird.

???: Um... Y/N... Are, uh... Are you...?

She was a sweet young woman. I didn't want to break that. I couldn't keep the tough talk up after witnessing her horrified reaction. I'm not naturally mean-spirited. If anything, I was helping the house's past owners by scaring them out. But Y/N, she dealt with my shenanigans and lived with it. I couldn't understand how she was able to do that.

Suddenly, she embraced me without falling through my body and her face was hiding in my shoulder. What do I do?? I was so confused. How was this...? What???? I'm a GHOST, she shouldn't be able to touch me! I froze in place, consumed by my shock. As a spirit, I can't feel any physical thing, but somehow from this embrace, I felt warm. Like, physically warm. I thought I couldn't feel temperatures or objects when I held them. Winters were never freezing cold, summers were never blazing hot—it was all the same. I felt nothing on my body. But this time... I did...

???: Y/N, how are you touching me?

Y/N: Oh!

She let go of me and pulled away, but she was looking down like she was bowing her head to me.

Y/N: I'm sorry! I didn't—! I just needed someone to hold onto!

At least she wasn't stuttering anymore. Her voice was kinda wobbly, actually, like she was weeping.

???: No. Pay attention. I said how are you touching me, not why. This is impossible.

Scientifically impossible. Was there something I missed in the scientific method or the laws of physics?

Y/N: Wait, what?

She looked up at me. There was this sort of sparkle or gleam in her eye, but they were glossy and I could spot small tears. She wouldn't stop staring at me. What did I do this time?

Y/N: Beautiful...

Um, I'm sorry... What? "Beautiful?" Like, handsome? Who calls a ghost handsome? What kind of sick person does that?

Y/N: You can't be the ghost...

???: I can't?

Y/N: I know you are because of the eyes, but... Is this what you actually look like?

???: Before I died, yes.

Y/N: Can I ask what your name is?

There it was. She threw the question. I was waiting for her to ask. It was only a matter of time. I had a feeling she still wasn't going to leave the house, so there was no point in keeping it a secret from her.

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