Chapter 1

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Jacob: this hospital Food sucks!

Caitlin: well it's a good thing you only have tody to suffer until your release tomorrow.

Frost: ' Tell him stop being a baby'

Caitlin: Frost said stop being a baby.

Jacob: yeah, yeah. So where is my soon to be fiance Lena

Caitlin: at work again.

Jacob: she can't even find time to visit me, Alexa is able to make time every now and then.

Nurse: I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over.

Caitlin: Alright. Get some sleep, you'll be a free man tomorrow.

Jacob: 1st stop is Belly Burger.

Caitlin: sleep first, then Belly burger

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Caitlin: sleep first, then Belly burger.

As Caitlin leaves Jacob couldn't help but have this warm loving feeling.

Nurse: She's a good friend isn't she?

Jacob: The best, I'd give my life to keep her and my true friends safe.

: Caitlin POV:

' I was walking to the deo to get a pair cuff damperters for Felicity. As I walked down the hallway I could hear a feint sound.

The further I walked the more clear the sound became as they were moans. It got louder and louder until I was at the door the sound came from.

Slowly opening the door I see none other than Kara Fucking Lena with a strapon in the locker room. Based on there sweat they've been at it for 2 hours.

I took out my phone and recorded them. They were to drunk on sex to notice me, plus red sun was on.

I leave, but I was so pissed that frost was about to come out.

I leave, but I was so pissed that frost was about to come out

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With the evidence I've gotten I quickly leave the D.E.O and head home'

Caitlin: That no good cheating BICTH!!
10 days before the wedding and she does this. How long have her and Kara done this?

Frost: ' Something to look into'

' once I made it home I took a shower my anger turned to sadness as I thought Jacob. God I love him so much, but I never got the chance to tell him.

Once I was done with my hair still wet tied in pony tail. I set up my laptop to hack into both Kara and Lena phone.

What I saw was flirty sex texting between Kara and Lena. Also photos of them kissing

 Also photos of them kissing

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Don't get me started on the videos

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Don't get me started on the videos. I look at the dates of the photos and videos what I saw pissed me off again'

Caitlin: These date back to August 19, 2015! 6 year's they've been doing this shit behind his back for 6 fucking years.

Frost: ' Your gonna have to tell him Caitlin'

Caitlin: I know, but I'm more concerned about what he will do.

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