"Well it won't be with that attitude. Let's just do a bit more. Just finish a bit and we will take a break" Sunoo said.

After a long time trying to convince Riki he finally agreed and they kept working.

"Alright Riki let's take a break" Sunoo said. Riki cheered and jumped up from the desk again.

"What should we do?" Sunoo asked.

"Tell me more about you. It's very entertaining" Riki asked.

"Alright. Well I'm treated as a girl" Sunoo said. He needed to say it. Reading the book about Sunwoo made him realize he is treated the same.

"A girl?" Riki asked.

"Yeah. People think I can't do things. They think I don't want to do things. Like boy stuff. I don't know it's weird" Sunoo said.

"It really is. I never thought you acted like a girl. You just don't like to do crazy rough stuff. It's a good change. All the boys I know are psycho" Riki said.

"That's pretty much it about me. I hate being treated as a girl but I just am" Sunoo said

"That's ok. It's always interesting" Riki said.

"Now what do we do?" Sunoo asked

"We can go out" Riki suggested.

"Out? Oh no my parents would never let me at this time" Sunoo said.

"Then let's sneak out" Riki shrugged. Sunoo was surprised. Riki didn't seem like the type of person to break the rules and sneak out.

"Sneak out?" Sunoo asked.

"Yeah it's simple. I do it all the time. Mostly when my older sister is out and my younger one is sleeping." Riki confessed.

"But how would we without anyone seeing?" Sunoo asked.

"The window. It's right there" Riki said.

I don't know" Sunoo said hesitantly.

"Well princess do you trust me?" Riki asked.

"Princess?" Sunoo asked.

"Yeah do you trust me?" Riki asked again

"Yes" Sunoo said with a skeptical look.

Riki helped Sunoo get out and they started walking away from the house.

Riki took Sunoo to the beach.

"Riki what are we doing here at the beach?" Sunoo asked.

Riki went over to a rock and picked out a book. Sunoo was overly confused. How isa book in a rock?

"My friends hid this here but I think you would like it" Riki said handing Sunoo the book. Sunoo looked at the book and then opened it.

It was pictures of royal families from the 18 hundreds like Sunoo explained he liked.

"Riki how do you have this?" Sunoo asked.

"I don't know maybe it was fate. We were supposed to meet" Riki said. Sunoo smiled at that idea.

"Maybe. This book is beautiful" Sunoo said.

"Keep it. My friends don't care" Riki said. Sunoo thanked him and they headed back.

"We did it!" Riki said.

"Yes we did! I'm tired now" Sunoo said sitting on his bed.

"I've been tired forever" Riki said joining him.

"Look at it. A+" Sunoo said admiring the painting.

"A++" Riki said.

"That would be nice. And we are amazing so I wouldn't be surprised" Sunoo said with sass.

"I should go then" Riki said.

"Your gonna leave me? After I just jumped out a window for you?" Sunoo asked.

"Yep. I'm leaving my princess to do girly things" Riki joked. Sunoo rolled his eyes.

"Haha so funny" Sunoo said sarcastically.

"I'm just kidding. I won't say it if you don't like it" Riki said.

"It's fine. It sounds better from you anyway. But keep it between us. I don't need the whole school calling me that" Sunoo said.

"Anything for you princess" Riki said.

"Yeah don't abuse that nickname too soon" Sunoo said nudging Riki out of his room.

"Yeah don't abuse that nickname too soon" Sunoo said nudging Riki out of his room

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Sorry for a late update. I was busy and couldn't really think of what to do for this chapter.

Also sorry we didn't get to hear from Ni-ki and Sunwoo in this chapter but next chapter we will.

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