"Awwwe your the best!" He said grabbing the food our of my hand.

"You got me eggs, bacon, grits....."

"SAUSAGE!" Nash finished his sentence.

Kara and I stared dieing of laughter while the boys reaped them selves and twerked.

"You guys are so crazy!" Kara laughed.

"But thats why you love me." Nash said hugging Kara.

Cameron finished his breakfast, with Kara and Nash stealing some, then we went to the lobby to meet up with the boys. Surprisingly there were no fans down there I guess they all are at the venue by now we are kinda late.

"Are you guys ready for your first show?!" Matt yelled jumping on me and kara.

Matt and I have gotten pretty close hes a really good person to talk to.

"YES!" Kara and I yelled at the same time then laughed.

We all smushed into the limo and took off to the event and ran into the back doors.

The boys went on stage and we werent on for another ten minutes so we just had a best friend talk.

"Kara isnt this so crazy." I said looking around.

"Yea I never thought in a million years we would be here."

"I know I think we are the luckiest girls on earth." I said thinking about all of our good times.

I never thought I would be dating the love of my life and have Matt as my boy best friend and Kara happily dating nash its just so crazy. Like just a couple months ago I was sitting at home stalking them on twitter praying to be with them one day and now im part of the family.

"Yes im dating the love of my life.. it cant get any better than this." she said smiling.

I can tell she really loves him and he loves her too I just hope he doesn't break her heart but nash isn't that kind of person right?

"Yea it can when you guys get married." I said pocking her arm smirking.

"That would be perfect if we make it that far." She said blushing.

"I'm sure you will, you guys are made for each other."

"I guess but he has been on his phone alot lately texting someone but he wont let me see the messages so im scared." She said frowning.

"Don't stress about it babe. If you want I can talk to him."

"No that's ok I think im just paranoid."

Just then we heard our names being called so we rushed onto the stage. Once up there I sat next to Cameron and Kara sat next to nash.

"Hey beautiful I missed you." Cam whispered into me ear.

"Missed you too." I said blushing.

"Hey Cam what are yall whispering about over there." Taylor said into the microphone smirking at us.

The whole crowd irrupted in 'Oooo' and I laughed blushing some more.

"What I cant call my girlfriend beautiful?" Cam asked into the microphone.

The crowd all said 'awww' but one girl yelled.


I was so shocked but tried to not let it get to me. Everyone ignored it and I tried to too but a tear slipped out.

"ARE YOU OK BESTIE." Matt yelled over the music.

"IM FINE JUST A LITTLE HURT." I yelled looking at my feet.


"MATT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH." I yelled hugging him and laughing. He always knows how to cheer me up.

After main stage we went to the meet and greet then back to the hotel and chilled out for the rest of the night.


I havent updated in forever! But follow me on instagram @madisonlacy_

Meet and greet (Cameron Dallas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now