Chapter 11

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I got up to open the door and standing there was Cameron.

"Hey Cam." I said with a smile.

"Hey babe, I missed you." He said while giving me a hug.

"Its been an hour." I laughed into his chest.

"So thats long enough."

I then started to blush. After about a minute more we broke apart then sat on my bed.

"So I was thinking.. we could make you a YouTube channel then post a video together today!" Cam said.

"Yes! That sounds great!" I yelled very excited.

Ive always wanted to do YouTube but have never really had the courage. Cam got up and went into the living room. Soon he came back with all his camera stuff and some whip cream and plates.

"Ummm.. what is the whip cream for?"

"I was thinking on your channel we can do a #askcadison and on my channel do the girlfriend tag with whip cream." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes then helped him set up everything. We sat on the end of my bed then he pressed record. I looked the view finder and realized how bad I looked.

"OMG I CANT DO A VIDEO LOOKING LIKE THIS!" I yelled starting to stand up but was pulled back down by Cameron.

"Yes you can you look beautiful like always." He gave me a sweet smile then leaned in and kissed me.

"Awwee... thanks Cam."

"No problem its just the truth." I blushed then turned to the camera.

"Hey guys welcome to my first YouTube video today I am with this goof Cameron Dallas." I said pointing to him.

"Hey guys."

"We are going to be doing a #askcadison. Cameron and I both tweeted out for you guys to ask us questions with the #askcadison and you guys got it trending worldwide! Thats crazy!"

"Yes we have the best fans in the world!" Cam said while falling back on the bed.

I let out a little giggle then pulled out my phone.

"Ok the first question is '@cadisonislife: Madison what is it like dating Cameron? #askcadison.' Well its like dating someone who isnt famous other than getting noticed everywhere. But hes an amazing boyfriend and I could ask for anyone better. Its also kind of weird having everything about our relationship on the internet but thats ok I love it!"I said.

"Awwwe thanks baby!" Cam said witch made me blush. He then pulled out his phone and picked a question.

"@nashypoo asks 'what is nash doing right now? #askcadison' umm i dont know lets go find out."

Cameron then grabbed the camera off the tripod and and walked out the room and I followed. We went down the hall to Karas room and walked in without knocking. That was a BIG mistake because we walked in on then making out. Gross but still cute.

"OH MY GOD DO YOU GUYS KNOW HOW TO KNOCK!" Kara screamed jumping off nash.

Me and Cam fell on the floor laughing. Once we calmed down a little bit we explained that it was for the video then went back to my room. We finished up the video with more questions and dares then moved on the Cams video.

"Hey guys its Cam and today I am here with my wonderful girlfriend Madison." I then waved to the camera.

"So today as you can tell by the title we are doing the girlfriend tag but with a twist. We are using whip cream." Cam said while I showed the camera the whip cream and plates.

"Yea and im going to get no whip cream to the face because im a great girlfriend." I said smirking.

"Nope im gonna win and you know it" He said. I rolled my eyes then we layed down some trash bags so we wouldnt get whip cream everywhere.

(C= Cameron M= Madison)

C: Ok when did we meet?

M: Easy, at magcon. When was our first kiss?

C: At the meet and greet and magcon. How old am I?

M: 21 duhh! When is my birthday?

C: Ummm..... ugh! October 12th?

M: Really Cam! NOOO! Its september 19th

I picked up the whip cream and a plate and made a huge pile of it. I then thew it at his face and started dying of laughter!

C: OH MY GOD! Its so sticky! What are 3 foods I hate?

M: Ugh! I dont know! just hit me I really dont know that.

He made a huge pile of whip cream on the plate then threw it at my face and it taste really good but is sticky.

After the video finished I only got 2 more questions wrong and Cam got 3 more. I have whip cream all over my face so I went into the bathroom to rinse it off. Once I was done with that I helped Cam clean up.

He showed me how to edit and the video turned out really good and funny! Cam and I both tweeted about the new videos.

@Camerondallas: Go check out Madison's first YouTube video with me and my new video! #askcadison #girlfriendtag

@Madisonlacy_: You guys should go watch my first video its a #askcadison! and Cams new video #girlfriendtag

I then followed a couple people and re-tweeted some. I really hope people like my YouTube and im really nervous for what they are gonna say.

"Whats wrong babe?" Cam asks as he pulls me into his lap on my bed.

"I just really hope all the fans like me and my YouTube."

"Dont worry they are gonna love it! and already love you! Everyone gets like this for their first video but you will get over it soon I promise."

"Thanks Cam! You are honestly the best. I couldnt ask for a better boyfriend!"

"No problem babe. I Love you so much!" He says then kisses my head.

"I love you too Cam." I then look up and we kiss. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asks after we break apart.

"Yea sure pick one out. I have a bunch." 


He gets up and picks out The Ride Along. I love that movie its so funny. Once the movie is in we cuddle up on my bed and half way through I feel my eyes get heavy and sleep over comes me.


Hey guys! This is a long chapter for once! I love you guys and keep commenting I want some good feed back. BYEEEE!

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