Chapter 7

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I woke up to the flashing of cameras. I was really confused but soon realized that ALL the Magcon boys were in my room taking pictures of me and Cameron sleeping. I hid my head in Cameron's chest and yelled

"What are you guys doing in here!"

"We came to wake you guys up but we had to capture how cute you guys are!" Kara squealed.

"Ok can you guys get out so I can get ready?!"

I heard a bunch of "Ok"s and "yea"s. Once they were out I hit Cam with a pillow.

"Hey what was that for?!"

"Just because your cute." I said then kissed his nose.

"Im gonna go to my room to get ready then come back down here." Cam said while getting out of bed.

"Ok ill be in the shower."

Once he was out of the room I grabbed my buzzing phone off the desk. It was all my twitter blowing up, like usual, but this time it was about the pictures..

@Nashgrier: These lovebirds are the cutest! @camerondallas @madisonlacy_ #cadison

@JackJohnson: Ugh.. why cant I have a cute relationship like this.. @camerondallas @madisonlacy_ #cadison

@Taylorcaniff: probably the cutest thing ive ever seen! @camerondallas @madisonlacy_ #cadison

They all went something like that untill cam tweeted the picture.

@Camerondallas: Look how cute me and @madisonlacy_ I swear i love this girl so much! #cadison

I decided to tweet cam back.

@madisonlacy_: Aww cam we are cute! and I love you too:)

I then set my phone on the charger ,because I forgot to last night, then I got in the shower. After I was done shower I got out brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I wrapped in a towel and walked out on the bathroom. When I walked out Cameron was laying on my bed on him phone.

"Oh My God! How did you get in here!" I yelled because he scared me.

"I took Karas key. and nice towel!" He said while laughing.

"Hey, dont get any ideas Dallas."

He laughed at what I said. I then looked in my suitcase for something to wear. I settled on a black skater skirt, my 'Cameron dallas is my boyfriend' sweatshirt, my black vans, and a white flower headband. I walked back in to the bathroom and got dressed. Once I was dressed I brushed out my hair, put some product in it, then put on very little makeup. After I was done I came out of the bathroom grabbed my phone and turned to Cameron who was still on my bed.

"Im ready to go."

"Finally, everybody is up in my room waiting."He said while he walked over to me.

"Well I dont just wakeup looking this good!" I said with a smirk.

"Yes you do, you always look good. And I like your sweatshirt!" He laughed then walked past me.

"Good because its my favorite." I said while following him out of the hotel room.

We went up to their room were everybody was waiting.

"Hey guys!" I said when we walked into the room.

After everyone said hey I asked

"So whats the plan?"

"Well we still have a while before we have to be at the venue so we were thinking we could go to breakfast." Nash said. He was sitting on his bed with Kara in his lap.

"Ok sounds great. Lets go!" I said.

We all left the room and tried to pile into the elevator and surprisingly all fit. Once we were in the lobby we had to be escorted out because of all the fans. We got into the limo. I sat in between Kara and Cameron. We ended up eating at Dennys and just made small talk the whole time. Before we left Nash screamed


And hit Cameron in the face with syrup. We all started cracking up of laughter while Cam tried to get the syrup off his face. I ended up having to help him get it off because it was everywhere. After we all split the bill we pilled back into the limo. We then rushed into the back of the venue right when we pulled up so we wouldn't get mobbed. Once we were backstage everyone gathered in a circle and talked about what the plan was for the day while Kara and I just sat at a table and talked about how crazy our lives have gotten. We never thought we would be backstage with Magcon and so close to all of them.

"Madison! We are about to go on stage you and Kara can stay back here until we are done then you can come to the meet and greet with us." Cameron said then gave me a quick hug before running on stage with the rest of the guys.

"So Kara how are you and Nash?" I asked with a smirk.

"We are great last night while Cameron was with you we went to the pool then watched a movie and fell asleep. But before I fell asleep I heard him whisper 'I love you' into my ear!"

"Awwwww that is so cute! Im so happy for you!" I squealed.

"So what about you and Cameron?"

I told her the whole story and she started dancing around while yelling.


"SHHHHHH! Your gonna get us kicked out crazy!"

Just then Cameron and Nash ran over to us and picked us up bridal style carrying us onto stage.....


OOOOOO! A cliffhanger! I hope you guys enjoyed and I will be updating soon! Love yall :))

Meet and greet (Cameron Dallas Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن