Chapter 12

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Me and cameron have now been dating for 2 months and it has been amazing! Kara and I have been invited into Magcon and that is crazy. I never in a million years thought I would be in the Magcon family.

Kara and I are now over Nash and Cams house getting ready to leave for Magcon Miami. Im so excited! I am sitting on the couch with Cameron waiting for Kara to be ready. Nash is sitting at the table eating some cereal. 

Kara finally came out of Nash's room and we took off to the airport. 

"IM SOOO EXCITED!" I yelled.

"Ok Ok calm down!" Cam laughed.

After about a half an hour we parked Camerons car and went into the airport. Right when we stepped in fans came rushing over and mobbing us. So the airport security had to escort us to a private room by our gate. 

"Awwe, I really wanted to meet some fans." I said with a pouting face.

"Its ok babe we will meet tons of them at Magcon." Cam said hugging me.

"Yea but these fans waited so long to see us here." I felt really bad for them.

"Ok we can meet a couple of them but theres no way we can get to all of then."


We then pulled fans into the room ten at a time and met them until our plane was called.

We boarded our plane. The seats were in twos so I sat in the window and Cam sat next to me then Nash and Kara infront of us. There was a guy sleeping behind us so we made a vine of us doing the same pose as him then uploaded it. After the plane took off I layed my head on Camerons shoulder and let sleep take over my body.



Madison slept the whole flight while I went on my phone and watched a movie.

"Passengers we will arrive in Miami soon get ready for landing." The pilot said.

I pecked Madison on the lips to wake her up. She shuffled a little then her eyes fluttered open.

"We are about to land."

"YAY!" She yelled.

People turned to us with weird looks while we started cracking up. 

After we landed we grabbed all of our stuff and got off the plane. Once we were off there were security guards to escort us because there were so many fans.

We got our suitcases and went out to the van that would take us to the hotel.

Once we walked into the hotel In the lobby was the Jacks, Aaron, Matt, Taylor, Bart, Lox, Shawn, and Carter.

"Hey guys!" I said really excited.

"Hey!" Everyone said then attacked me, Cam, Nash, and Kara in a group hug.

"Its been way to long!" Matt said.

"Yes it has." I agree.

We all checked in and got our rooms. The rooms are:

Me, Cam, Nash, and Kara

Taylor, Matt, Aaron, Shawn, and Carter.

The Bart and Lox were in rooms alone.

We grabbed our stuff and went up to our rooms on the 11th floor.

"Do you guys want to go to the pool?" Nash asked once we were settled in our room.

"YASSSS!" Kara yelled then ran into the bathroom with her bathing suit.

"She is so crazy." I laughed.

"Thats why I love her." Nash smiled.


Nash then turned bright red.

I grabbed my turquoise and purple tie dye bikini then went into the bathroom when Kara came out. After the boys changed too we went down to the pool. Nobody was there so we had the whole pool to our selves.

I set my stuff on the chairs and yelled

"CANNON BALL!" And jumped into the pool.

Once I resurfaced Cam asked

"Madison do you wanna race on the swirly slides?"

Without answering I climbed out of the pool and ran to the blue slide while Cam got on the green one.

"3.. 2.. 1.. GO!" I yelled.

We raced down then yelled


"Yea whatever.." Cam said with his lip pocked out.

"Oh, dont be a cry baby cammy" I said while hugging him.

We swam for about an hour more then went back to our room.

"I CALL FIRST SHOWER!" I yelled once we got into the room.

"Whatever Im showering in Mahogany's room." Kara said then grabbed her stuff and left.

I went to my suitcase and pulled out a blue tank top, underwear, a sports bra, and fuzzy socks then went to Cams suitcase and got a pair of his gray sweatpants.
Cam and Nash went to the other rooms to shower too so im in her alone.

I plugged my phone into the shower speaker I brought and played 'see you again' by Wiz Khalifa. Then I turned on the shower and took off my wet bathing suit.

After I was out of the shower I got dressed, washed my face, brushed my teeth, brushed out my hair then put it into a messy bun.

Once I came out of the bathroom Cam, Nash, and Kara were back int the room.

Kara and nash were cuddling on their bed watching Pitch Perfect.

I crawled into bed with Cam and watched the movie with then. Towards the end of the movie we eyes began to get heavy so I layed my head on Camerons chest and went to sleep.


Yay! An update! How are you guys liking it? Make sure to like and comment!

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