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After the race

3rd person POV:

Toothless and Amira soar over the great ocean, side-by-side the water parts slightly, due to their intense speed 'let the wind carry us to the clouds, hurry up, all right...' Toothless leads Amira through the clouds, Amira hovering slightly above him to watch for any danger as they dive through the clouds 'we can travel so far, as our eyes can see..!' Kerrigan gently says something to Amira making her ear flicker back for a moment before she nods, slowly flying backwards and diving down as Toothless follows, Hiccup sighing happily and chuckling Toothless straightens out, Amira swiftly flying back to his side Kerrigan takes in a deep breath, slowly rising and balancing on her feet on Amira's back and she purrs softly in concern she stays for a moment as Hiccup closely watches her, ready to go to her aid just in case he sighs softly in relief as she sits back down, laughing lightly and rubbing Amira's ear with a wide grin as they continue flying 'we go where no one goes...' Kerrigan opens her eyes, laughing as Amira and Toothless roar and start falling backwards Hiccup looks back towards the ground before looking towards Kerrigan with a light laugh as her hair flies in her face, causing her nose to scrunch up as she sneezes 'get out of our way!' Toothless straightens up, gently spinning as Amira closely watches the Timberjack flying overhead, lowly rumbling and alerting Toothless, who nods in response Hiccup stretches out his arms, breathing in deeply as he imagines himself flying Kerrigan looks up at the Timberjacks in awe, their large wings blocking some of the sun occasionally Hiccup hums in thought, clicking his handles into the saddle.

Hiccup: so what do you think, guys..?

His muffled voice came from the mask

Hiccup: you wanna give this another shot?

Toothless instantly perks up with a grumble, his face showing distaste.

Kerrigan: I don't know about that Hiccup... I think Toothless is done..!

Kerrigan replies in an uneasy tone, Amira boredly staring at Hiccup

Hiccup: it'll be fine! Won't it, Amira??

Amira slowly shakes her head no, making Toothless rumble a laugh as Kerrigan raises a brow at Hiccup

Kerrigan: see..? Even they agree with me and they don't even talk!

Hiccup: pssh..!

Hiccup waves his hand

Hiccup: trust me! It'll be fine..!

Kerrigan: Hiccup last time you did this, you nearly swan-dove into a Dragon Nesting ground-!

Kerrigan cuts herself off as Hiccup unstraps himself, setting Toothless' tail-fin in place

Kerrigan: and you're not even listening to me..!

Hiccup: ready?

Hiccup questions, making Toothless rumble with a head shake Hiccup allows himself to slip off Toothless, Kerrigan watching in concern as he yells with laughter in his voice Toothless quickly dives after him, Amira snorting and doing the same.

Hiccup: WOOHOO!!

Hiccup cheers, Toothless spiraling around him like he would with Amira as she was off to the side, watching closely her and Kerrigan paid attention to the rapidly approaching ocean.

Hiccup: YEAH!

Hiccup laughs again, grinning at Toothless and Amira spiral up in sync, Kerrigan closing her eyes to ease her dizziness as they come to a halt 'we slow for no one..!' Toothless and Amira soar over the great ocean, side-by-side. The water parts slightly, due to their intense speed Amira gently dips her wing into the ocean, making it splash on Toothless, who sneezes and snorts with a pout as Amira lowly rumbles a laugh Hiccup smiles under his face mask, glancing over at Kerrigan from the corner of his eye with a chuckle as she leans down, splashing water at him Kerrigan's dark brunette hair flies in the wind, a large smile on her face as she closes her eyes and enjoys the feeling Toothless roars over at Amira who nods as she flies upwards before diving down, spinning around one of the water Dragons as Kerrigan flattens herself to not get smacked by the wing Hiccup quickly sits up on Toothless, hooking his prosthetic foot into place and switching the gears as Toothless spirals, flying through one of the water Dragon's wings as he laughs and cheers the two dragons fly up, Toothless happily roaring while Amira simply smiles a toothy grin as Toothless offers a gummy smile the two stop spiraling, Hiccup hooking his thumbs in his gears and quickly opening his wingsuit at the same time Toothless opens his wings Amira copies, Kerrigan grunting lightly from the unexpected force as she straightens up and watches Hiccup soar with Toothless Hiccup opens his back-fin, flying with Toothless before gliding back towards Kerrigan grinning at her even though she couldn't see it.

How To Train Your Dragon Book 2(Hiccup x OC)Where stories live. Discover now