Chapter 70: Kooky's surprise and rememberance of the past.

Start from the beginning

"I expected as much..." Kamek commented with a sigh. "And? Come on, spill it!" Bowser says impatiently. "Alrighty, so from the outside..there's something about this old, yet strange looking barn not far from the dollhouse...not only did it feel as if it was practically daring me to go inside, but it wouldn't let marx go in when he was there for who knows how long." Max explains. " wouldn't let marx inside?" Morton asked in confusion. "That doesn't surprise me. All who went inside the ancestral plane has said that there is a certain area that they couldn't go to until the very end. However...the fact that marx has been in this place for who knows how long and it wouldn't let him that is surprising." Kamek explained which showed that he has heard stories about this many times, but this one about marx not allowed to be inside of the barn is new to him since it seems as if it wanted max to go inside.

"I also just found out that there's..someone else there." Max added which caught bowser's attention. "What you mean there's someone else there? We all know that candymaker thing is over there." Bowser said in annoyance. "Ah, you would be right. But..there is, or was..i just remember waking up in a daze and seeing someone else who hardly looked alive. I believe that guy was a koopa, and i don't think he was there to see visions, because that was the only time i saw him." Marx explains, hardly hiding his confusion.

-Kamek pov-

This is..unheard of. Marx woke up in the ancestral plane..? Who was this koopa and why are we being told this now? There's no way max knew about this, but marx? He could've told us a lot sooner!

-Bowser pov-

Oh, that's fanfuckingtastic...why can't this bizarro realm make sense for once?! A barn that wants max to go inside? Another koopa is there and not even max knew until marx said something? AGH, it's making my fucking head hurt!

-Mike pov-

Ok, there's definitely more going on here than just max seeing visions...i have the feeling that this was all planned somehow...these visions seems to be directed towards max of all people,'s affecting him. I mean seriously, no one can be shown someone else's memories that aren't their own for no reason! Unless of course..there's a reason that has yet to uncovered.

-Tyson pov-

The ancestral plane...i have heard of this place, but as far as i know, no pokémon has ever ventured there. What it has to do with max is clearly something worth looking into. However..I cannot help but wonder just who, or what, is pulling the strings for this to happen.


While tyson stands there with his arms crossed and listening intently, the koopalings, except for wendy and junior, are all trying to wrap their heads around what was just said. "Ok, but..what did you find while INSIDE of this dollhouse?" Mike asked. "This is where kooky needs to hear this, because...what me and marx saw was the inside of a..posh interior of a mansion. Or castle..hell, neither of us have seen it before, and marx has seen these visions many times over!" Max explained.

-Ludwig pov-

Well now...that is certainly different. " they saw the inside of the von ghoul estate...ludwig, if you don't mind, i would like to try something different rather than take control of your body." I hear kooky say to me. " appears that kooky is wanting to try" I announce to everyone. " that a good thing..?" Larry asked nervously. "It's kooky. Anytime he's comes out, it's never good!" Roy quickly says. "If only wendy and junior were here to see this...where are they anyway?" Morton asked. Hmph..I know for a fact that wendy is in her old room and likely on social media doing whatever she's doing even though i don't recall dad's castle ever having a strong wi-fi connection...

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