Chapter 47: Unique revealations.

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-The next morning-

Max slowly woke up before sitting up on his bed. He most definitely felt well rested after his adventure and his fight with candymaker, hoping to only encounter them in the ancestral plane. "Hm..let's see..." Max picks up his iPhone to see what time it was. "Woah..11:37 am...damn, that's the longest i've ever slept!" Max says with chuckle. He had grown accustomed to waking up before 10 am which showed him that this could easily be the new normal for him.

He puts on a black t-shirt that has a movie title  on the front of it that says the goonies, and still had on silver shorts. He gets up to head downstairs, but had not only forgotten to not only put his shades on, he also forgot to put his shell back on considering that he had taken both of them off before he went to bed. "Well, look who's...WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR SHELL?!" Max heard mike say before yelling at him in surprise the moment max walks in the living room which confuses bowser who is also in the living room.

"Uh..son? You uh..might wanna get your shell on..." Bowser says to him. "My shell? I.." Max began to say, before realizing that his shell is not on his back. "Oh..ha, ha..whoops." Max is so nonchalant about it that it confuses bowser. "Doesn't your back hurt..?" Bowser asks. "Nope. I'll uh..i'll get my shell." Max utters, before giving mike a sly grin.

"Guess this counts as a pika shock, huh?"  Max quickly says to him, making mike growl in annoyance. "GET YOUR FUCKING SHELL ON BEFORE I KNOCK YOU SILLY!!" Mike screams at max who laughs at him while bowser looked shocked that max said that before chuckling while the koopalings hear mike yelling in anger.

-Mike pov-

Oh, he's lucky i don't either smack him upside his head, or give him a well deserved shock!

-Bowser pov-

I should be groaning in annoyance from that awful pun, but i find myself amused by mike getting angry at max...I am however, shocked to hear that max's back doesn't hurt him. He's definitely no ordinary koopa...right now though, kamek better hurry his ass up and explain what he knows!

-Max pov-

Out of all the puns i have made, whether on the spot, or later on, this one actually made me want to groan at my own pun which is rare for me. And in those rare moments, it brings me back to why i began making them in the first place. Let's..just say that i started making puns because of a personal reason.

One that i hope i never have to least..not yet.

I practically ran up the stairs and to my room so that i can put my shell back on. "I wonder what kamek will say.." I mutter, before walking down the stairs. Once i come back the living room, i saw roy with arms crossed and wasn't exactly thrilled. "What?" I asked. "A pun wasn't what i wanted to're just lucky i want to hear what kamek has to say." Roy says with a growl before walking to the living room couch.

Yeesh, i keep forgetting that he ain't a morning person...

-Roy pov-

Fucking hell, did he really have to make THAT kind of pun?! It wasn't even that good! Kamek better get his ass over here...i'm itching to know what this spell has ultimately done to my bro!


Max heads to the kitchen to get himself a chocolate pop tart before heading back to the living room where everyone else is. "Shouldn't kamek be here?" Lemmy asked. "He had to run a errand back my castle, but will be back shortly." Bowser replies, which caught max by surprise. "Castle..?" He wondered. "It would be better to show you rather than explain, but that comes later." Bowser says to max with a grin.

-Max pov-

He has a castle..? Why am i just now finding out? Then again...i did find out that dad's the king of koopas later on. I'm excited about the fact that i'll get to see more of the world! But i'm also nervous as to what it looks like...

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