Chapter 10: Pivotal memories, and a challenge issued by roy and morton.

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"You 'can't believe that worked'?! YOU JUST USED A SPELL WITHOUT A WAND!!" Morton screamed who was in this moment obnoxiously loud, but he meant well considering that he was as shocked as everyone else. "Shut. UP!" Roy said with a growl which made morton grumbled, who would've gone on a nonstop tirade lasting for who knows how long. "You said that you remembered...was that spell of yours part of it?" Mike asked, before noticing that max's arm is quaking. "His's.." He began to say with worry before max interrupted. "Far from broken, so relax." He says as he moved it but it was clear that his arm was sore.

"WELL? what do you remember?!" Larry asked impatiently. "Be patient. He's lucky his arm didn't shatter." Kamek told him, but had a split second look of serious worry that both mike and bowser picked up on. "I remember that my mom had me read this book for 20 minutes a day, but didn't want me to read anything that was inside of it out loud. That apparent spell i just said, was one of them. Up until i was 11, i legitimately thought i was learning to speak a new language." Max explained as mike looked him with a 'seriously?!' look.

"And you didn't tell me?!" He asked. "She didn't want me to tell you! I never understood why she was so secretive..." He said as bowser looked surprised to hear that.

-Bowser pov-

Secretive? I think i remember clawdia saying that her family was secretive and that she didn't want to talk about them much. I thought nothing of it at the time and assumed that her family appreciated their privacy even though i thought it was a dumb. But to hear max say that? There is no way that is just a coincidence.

Did..did max come from a secretive family?!


Mike sighs. "Sounds about right...i always knew that she was secretive about what went on in her home. Didn't know that she wanted you to be secretive though!" Mike mutters. "A life of secrecy? Sounds like secret agent stuff!" Larry said with chuckle.

"And just how the hell would you know? I don't see you keeping secrets!" Ludwig retorted which Larry scoffed at.

"I'm pretty sure i would have a inkling if my mom was a secret agent, and uh...the fact that i just used a spell and explained the reason why even though i don't understand why mom was so insistent about secrecy should show that it's no longer a secret!" Max said with light hearted chuckle to try an brighten the mood.

" doesn't explain how i was able to sense mike yesterday before i knew he was here ..." He adds which catches mike off guard and confused everyone else. "HOLD ON! You sensed me?!" He asked in shock. "Somehow...yeah. The first time happened when I first saw the front yard and could sense you from..uh..just .2 miles away?" Max said which mike was just looked amazed. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me..." He says with a sigh.

"Are we missing something here? Isn't that magic?" Wendy asked who was just as interested as everyone else. "No, it's aura. An ability that a pokemon called lucario can have naturally. For a pokemon like me? I have yet to fully master it." Mike explained. "Are you trying to say that my brother is a pokemon..?" Lemmy asked who was more confused than everyone else is as he slowly got up. " Ugh, this is beyond confusing!" Mike says with a groan of frustration.

"I don't see how...max is clearly just a human who can cast spells, and sense aura as it's called. If he truly wasn't human, then wouldn't he look less human?" Ludwig asks who made a good point, but deep down...max wasn't entirely convinced.

-Max pov-

This is so strange...the very first day, which became the best day of my life i might add, i had that moment of me sensing mike not just once, but twice! And now this? I guess..i guess i must be a lucky ass human...i think. Fuck, why am i struggling with what should be a simple answer..? "I guess this means i'm a..human spellcaster?" I theorize. Yes, that must be a good explanation! But the biggest question, was that why did my crystal start shining so brightly? That's never happened before...

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