Agony of a Witch

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((Y/n)'s POV)

We are sitting in the owl house. I'm watching out the window next to Eda. We can see Lilith from the bushes outside of the house. Guards are going off in different directions after an order from Lilith.

Hooty, hoots "Sleepwalking... sleepwalking." He wakes up before yelling "Sleep-hooting!" Hooty slams his face into the ground, popping up behind Lilith. "Hooty: Hiya, Lilith! Peek-a-hoot!"He smashes Lilith into a tree.

The guards' charge. "Sorry! Eda doesn't like trespassers, but I'm always here to make new friends! Hoot!" He bonks guard on the head and then wears the guard armor. "Oh! Look at me! I'm a person now. Wobbly, wobbly! Ooh, blackout!" the armor he's wearing punches another guard. "Hoot hoot!" Hooty throws the guard armor away. "Hoot hoot! Bye, friend! Ooh! I feel like dancing!" Hooty moves and hits the guards. "Hoot!"

Lilith grabs her staff and stands. Hooty is bobbing in front of a tree. Lilith takes aim and fires."I did it!" Hooty bends down and dodges Lilith's spell. "Oh hey! Look, it's a bug!" I can't help the giggle that escapes.

The spell slices through the tree, which falls toward Lilith. She just misses it, then collapses on the ground.

"Aww! Just an old leaf! Well, that's good too." He eats the leaf.

I look over to Eda, who is wearing a yellow scarf for some reason, as she watches Hooty fighting the guards through her binoculars.

"Hooty! Ah, you're a thorn in my side" she takes a cup of tea as a coven guard is slammed into the window. "but you always dig your way into my heart."

Luz entered the room and was immediately intrigued by what was brewing in Eda's cauldron.

"Ooh, magic 'sghetti." Luz tries to touch it.

"Hey!" Eda magically slaps Luz's hand with the spoon. "That 'sghetti is Witch's Wool. It repels powerful spells." She holds up some of the wool. "Every witch worth their salt has a cloak made from this stuff. (Y/n)'s hood is made out of it"

Luz looks at me with stars in her eye. I nod as I put my hood up, not so much that it covers my face like I used to wear it though. Luz then stares at the wool adoringly. "I'm worth salt... I want cloak!"

Luz tries to grab the cauldron but Eda pulls it away from her.

"Easy, kid! With the Emperor's goons at my doorstep, I need this for protection. They have really stepped up their attacks lately."

Luz stares at her intensely. "I think I finally understand why the Emperor wants you so badly. He's got the hots for you, doesn't he?" Luz said the last bit jokingly

Eda made finger guns. "Uh, but no. Emperor Belos wants to control all wild magic through his coven system. He ordered my capture years ago because I refuse to fall in line."

"And he won't stop until he's got you..." she droops her head.

"Awww, don't sound so worried. I'm a master escape artist. The only thing that can slow me down is my curse, and that hasn't bothered me for weeks!" Feathers pop out from Eda's arms. "Uh oh..." Eda transforms into the Owl Beast as Luz gasps in horror. I take a step backward.

"King!" Luz yells.

"Weh?" He peeks into the room. "AH!"

"Get the elixir! Now!" Luz and I yell in sync.

"Luz go gather elixir with King, I'll distract Eda and lead her up to her room, go now" I yell at Luz as she runs up the stairs.

The owl beats and stares at me. I put my hands in front of me defensively. "Alright look I know Eda's in there somewhere, and we're just trying to get her back"

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