Chapter 2 - The Reading of the Letter

Start from the beginning

I craved the knowledge of particular tomes and books, documents that I was told were too much for me to read, that only the Sages could truly understand what was in those texts. I know now that what they said was true; those writings were such that only a Sage could fully deal with the truth contained within. I was a fool to think I was ready for what they contained.

But I wanted them, I craved them as a thirsty man craves drink.

And Derog knew this.

He played to my vanity, agreed with me that I should be allowed access to those documents. I was counted wise among my people was I not? I was hailed as one who would soon be on the Council of the Wise! Why should I not read those scrolls?

"What would be the harm in letting you seem them?" Derog spoke in honeyed words. "At worst, you find you cannot comprehend them, and the Sages are proved true. At best, you gain knowledge that you could use to help others, as you have done so often in the past. It is not beyond you to understand what is there; why should the Sages have access to all knowledge while they only give out the crumbs to those seeking knowledge?"

I should have known this was not true. Indeed, Derog had said such things more often recently; why should those with a right to something be denied it, simply because of who they were, or when they were born? Looking back, I see how his mind was becoming darker, more twisted, out of jealousy toward his older brother, Abercio, the first born and heir to the seat of the Manor.

I was such a fool.

Time went on, and Derog came by less. He seemed frustrated, angered, but he would not say from what, only that he would get what he was owed. Of late, his face had taken on a darker visage, a grimace marring his once fair features, and many commented on this; warned me to be wary of him.

But I still counted him my friend. Indeed, the more I was denied access to the Vault of Sages, the more I turned to him to hear his sweet words, and to know that he agreed with me and my desires.

And then Derog disappeared.

No one knew where he was; not his family, not his allies or peers, no one.

I was without my friend, and only able to wallow in my resentment. My desires for the Vault rose, my hunger for their knowledge suffused my being. I became restless, angered, and did my duties only because I had to. But all the while, I hungered, I craved, I lusted, after those tomes of knowledge.

Then, one day, as I was at my gate, I heard the voice I had not heard in days.


I turned to look, but beheld only shadow among shadow amidst the trees that bordered the Vale.

"Who comes to seek the Vale?"

"It is I, Reeva, Derog, your friend. I have found a way to open the Vault of Sages for you. You may have what you desired most."

It was Derog's voice, but different, seeming hollow, lacking the warmth with which my friend had spoken to me so often.

But my hunger was profound, my desire too strong.

"Truly?! You can gain me entrance inot the Vault?!"

Oh, the thrill that passed over me, the joy and excitement! I would see the knowledge within the Vault!!!

"Come my friend! Come and let us delve into the mysteries together!"

I opened the gate, eager to lay my hands upon those parchments so long denied me.

You must understand, Jaryd, only a Captain of the Vale Gaurd may open a gate into the Vale. None could enter the Vale by force, the gates could not be broken, only the Captains could open them.

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