🦊Chapter 17🦊

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Bella and Riley smelt the pack and the cullens closing in and grabbed the children who were utterly terrifed Jace ran and grabbed his sisters and held them for dear life. Bella and Riley made them get in their knees and put a long sword against their throats. Jace mouthed" Close your eyes and hold my hand. May we meet again. I love you" Aleah and Malia mouthed back" May we meet again Jace, We love you too."  The triplets closed their eyes and awaited death.

The pack made their presence know and the Cullens entered the remote train station and saw Bella evily smiling as she held a sword to her children's throat not carrying about them. " Ah its the pack of mutts and sorry excuses for a coven of vampires. Welcome to the graveyard. Where you all die and long with your imprints." Riley said with a sinister tone.

"The only ones who will be dying is you two psychopaths!" Sam snarls out and phases into his wolf form." Ahah I wouldn't unless you want poor Jace,Aleah and Malia blood to be on your hands." Riley says cocking his head to the side and give a joker smile. The pack back off slowly but Jacob,Embry and Leah sneak off and try to get to the kids from behind, Jasper and Emmett both click on to their plan and join them. Edward keeps Riley's and Bella's on them as the five who spilt off was nearing closer to them.

"Jace Aleah Malia we need you to subtly lower your head down and under the sword. We are going to tackle Bella to the ground." Jasper whispers, Jace nods in understanding and gets his sisters to move subtly and Emmett pounces on Bella making her drop the swords and the kids get up and move to their imprints side.

Riley and Bella began to fight through Cullens and Sam ran over to the kids in human form and placed all three kids on their imprintes wolves and set them to go back to the pack house and sent seth with them as he,Paul,quil and Jared were gonna assist with the fighting. Jacob, Embry and Leah plus Seth ran at full speed and got them home." Keep them safe we're going back, don't let anyone in and close all the windows.Seth Stay here with Colin and Brady as they need help" Jacob firmly tells Emily and Seth who nods and does what is asked of them.

The three wolves raced back and return to the fight. They howled to make their presence known. Riley began to attack the wolves whilst Bella fought the Cullens. Riley got over powered quickly and the wolves won that side of the battle. The wolves faced to see Bella get decapitated and ripped apart. The wolves let out a victory howl and the cullens burnt down the train station and the broken pieces of Riley and Bella.

The fight was done,the children were free from a life of torture,abuse and harm. The wolves nods their heads in thanks and left peacefully. The cullens deicide to leave Forks for good and never return as they were overstaying their welcome.

A/N Two more chapters an epilogue and a goodbye chapter then this story is over 😢😭

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