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Charlie was sitting at home, watching a baseball game when the phone rang. He answered the call expecting it to be Billy Black a childhood friend but it was Reene Dwyer his ex wife.

(Bold is Charlie, Italics is Reene)
Phone call starts>
Hello Charlie, it's Reene how are you?
Hello Reene, I'm good thank you, how are you?
I'm well thank you, I'm just phoning to tell you that Bella is coming to live with you but she's not coming alone.
That's fantastic news, I'm glad Bella is finally coming back to Forks but what do you mean by not coming alone?
Bella got pregnant at the age of 14 and had triplets, Jace, Aleah and Malia all age three years old now. The dad's not around he died in a car crash shortly after Bella got pregnant. Do you have the room for her and the kids ? If not Bella requested that they go into care.
Charlie was horrified by Bella being quick to get rid of the kids and shocked that he never got told he was a grandad.
No I have room for them all, I just wished you or Bella told me that I was a granddad that's all. When am I expecting their arrival?
They will be coming at the End of February, so in three months time.
That's perfectly fine with me and gives me time to do their rooms up. Goodbye Reene
Excellent, goodbye Charlie.
Phone call ended

Charlie couldn't believe his daughter was coming home and bringing three children back with her. He was ecstatic to have them here as he has missed having company around him. He got on the phone to people on the rez asking for help making the house have extra two rooms for the children. The pack, Billy, Jake,Embry and the clearwaters all volunteered to help Charlie with the renovations. They all had three months to make this house ready for their arrival.

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