Chapter 12

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They were close. Close enough that their body heat touched each other but not close enough that they were actually physically touching. Kiyoomi liked that. Liked that they could be so close yet not actually touch and not feel distant nor awkward. He liked that the person he lay beside was Atsumu and he liked that he had brought them to the damn sea side of all places.

It was evident that Atsumu liked all that as well but that was an obvious given. Hell, even Mrs Sakusa would've most likely figured that out.

Atsumu watched Kiyoomi full of fondness, unable to look away as the thousands of stars reflected in his dark eyes. It was beautiful. It kind of reminded him of whenever Kiyoomi looked at chocolate but the stars reflecting in his glossy and reddish eyes were hundreds of times more beautiful than what a piece of damn chocolate could reflect. He could stare all day if let be.

"Miya Number One-"

"Stop. Ya always call me that. Call me by my name," Atsumu interrupted in a whisper.

"Miya is your name," Kiyoomi argued.

"I meant my first name. Everyone calls me some variation of Miya," Atsumu sighed.

It was quiet for a moment, Kiyoomi contemplating whether he wanted to call the blond by his first name or not and slowly, it seemed almost inviting. First name basis was kind of serious and if their kisses meant anything, he hoped that they were serious. Fuck it. He suddenly liked first name basis.

"Well, okay Atsu, what are we?" Kiyoomi asked almost shyly.

"Ya mean as species or as a pair?"

Kiyoomi no longer felt shy. He desperately wanted to grab his blond and throw him in the ocean as a nice midnight meal for a shark.

"Pair, stupid."

And Atsumu laughed, the sound warming the other as he calmed down. He reconsidered. He couldn’t let the shark eat him before he did─ although his form of eating was severely different from a blood-thirsty animal.

"Well, if ya agree to be my boyfriend, then yer the love of my life and I’d be whatever ya want me ta be."

The curly-haired’s head turned, eyes meeting each other as Kiyoomi's face heated up, no mask to protect the large grin that consumed his angelic face. He couldn’t help it. His smile just slipped out before he could control himself.

"You mean it? I'll break both your legs if you're fucking around with me."

"I'd never mess with ya like that. I've liked ya fer way too long to even try and ruin this moment by fuckin' around."

Kiyoomi leaned the few inches between them and rubbed their noses together, a genuine smile on his lips as he nodded in agreement.

"Yes. Yes, Miya Atsumu. I'll agree as long as you promise me that even if we go through hardships you won't run away and remain as my Number One."

Those words rung in the blond's heart, his face breaking into a smile as he pressed their lips together in a tight kiss, both still laying on the ground with only the heavens watching them with twinkles. It was a bit weird due to the hard dock below them but it didn’t matter because finally, after years of waiting, Atsumu got what he wanted most, Kiyoomi. And after not that long of accepting his feelings he had pushed away, Kiyoomi knew what he wanted most, Atsumu.

"Honestly," Atsumu panted as he pulled away, their lips still touching in the very slightest. "That won't be my problem. I just have ta make sure you don't sensually massage someone or play with their hair as ya style them the fuck up."

And Kiyoomi laughed, shaking his head as a form of reassurance before resting their cold lips against one another, heat being absorbed through the action and hands running up and down their sides as they grasped at that moment as a form of trying to remember that moment forever.

Kiyoomi would so rub it in Motoya’s face that he was capable of landing someone.

And as they lay wrapped in each other, happy thoughts filled Kiyoomi and he thought, mayhaps Miya Fucking Atsumu ‘number one’ was never a spur-of-the-moment kind of situation and  really, he was always his Number One.

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