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Welcome here my dears~ >.<

So my first Haikyuu fic, my second anime fic lmao

Starting off, I swear I can spell... i just normally type however I want in the autkros note and leave it at that... I actually tey for the fic itself.... I SWEAR


Okay, warnings:
-okay i didnt use any formalties like 'kun' 'chan' 'san' etc, etc, etc... its just whatever i used their names and no respekt lmao
-italics = flashbacks or stressing of words
-Swearing??? Common, yall prob read the desc... i swear in there
-Idk... seagulls???
-Miya Twins ;-;

Bro idk I just write and idek what the hell goes on half the time but hey, atleast I wrote ;-;

Just know that if theres angst, it wont be a surprise because I 10ve that stuff but I cant rwmember if I wrote angst in here- SJJSJSJ

tagging Atsumu_stan <3

Okay, das it have a fab day MFS ♡

Enjoy your STAY >.<

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