Chapter 10

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They were alone. And with the guiltiest of minds, Kiyoomi remembered he had gotten himself off to that face in his mind.

Had imagined how those hands would feel trailing down his body, how that mouth could press against his neck and absolutely destroy him with marks that would linger for weeks, how he would develop a limp for a day or two if they did the dirty. Kiyoomi's mind had been filthy. Filthy to the point that he was almost obliged to be nice without problem but then again, there was a high chance Atsumu had been doing the same and he scowled.

"Just us alone? Sounds like a dream, doesn't it, Omi? We could, y'know, have a nice chat about why yer ignorin' me like a moody pre-teen."

Kiyoomi sighed. He had no plans to do as such and he'd make it clear.

"Miya Number One, there's no way in heaven or hell I'll be having that conversation. If you excuse me, I'll be closing up and be going home."

He moved away, going behind a counter to lock away the money but of course, Atsumu just had to follow and actually pay. At this point, he didn't even want him to pay just so he could escape.

"Omi, I don't know why the fuck yer ignorin' me right after you kissed back but just know, I spent years with ya and I won't give up on ya only after a day. Especially because I know yer insides get mushy as well. Yer not slick, Omi-Omi," Atsumu purred condfidently. "Be ready by six on Friday night. We're goin' on a date."

Kiyoomi couldn't even form a response. Atsumu was out the door, walking confidently, especially because his hair was just freshly toasted. He needed a strong coffee or at least Motoya to get drunk with but he couldn't because it was only Monday.

All Kiyoomi could even think at that moment was that Atsumu was the first person to ever shine so brightly with love.

He really needed to let his walls down if it meant he could feel what love felt like without regrets.


Four days were left until the Friday. In those four days Atsumu didn't visit Kiyoomi once and he, on the other hand, couldn't get Atsumu out of his head at the start of the week.

Hands, mouth, skin, voice, imagination. It was doing things to his body. He'd get home and the first thing he'd do would be to take a shower and get himself off to his imagination. He missed the blond but he also wished to forget him. He was damned.

He was tormenting himself. It shouldn't have been something that made him feel so good, but it was, and it was sinful. He did all he could to be distracted. He couldn't allow himself to overthink the upcoming days which shouldn't have affected him as much as it did.

The mind worked in mysterious ways, so when Kiyoomi found himself thinking of the possibility of what he'd do on a date, he had to remind himself that Atsumu was just being an annoying friend and he was going because he was invited and it'd be rude to decline.

Yeah. That made sense. That fit his situation well. He'd believe his own little lie.

And sometimes, the human mind liked taking things as traumatizing events and pushing them to the back of the mind to forget forever.

Really, it was dramatic. It was terrible, but he'd like to think that Atsumu asking him out really was a traumatizing event for his newly discovered weak heart.

Miya Fucking Atsumu of all people? He was down bad since that was the case.

He agreed to that date so obviously, that's what it meant because truthfully, he would've chosen Osamu over Atsumu if he had a clear mind but having the blond around clouded his judgement.

He was everything opposite of Kiyoomi and yet, mayhaps opposites did attract. It was probably true because he would only choose Osamu for being just a tad bit calmer and level-headed and a better cook than his twin but overall, he would probably go for Astumu anyways.

He pushed Friday to the back of his mind and by the time the day came, he had almost forgotten.


But Miya Fucking Osamu appeared and reminded him ever so helpfully.

"Ya forgot, didn't ya? Or are ya just too nonchalant that yer calm on the very day? Tsumu is on the verge of cryin' for no reason although he did design a delightful evening. A big baby he is."

"The hell are you on about?" Kiyoomi asked as he ran fingers through Osamu's hair, gloved hands trying to keep the dye under control.

"So ya did forget," Osamu mumbled. "Yer date with him, ya stupid. He's unfocused because, and I quote, 'Omi-Omi is the prettiest little thing to ever exist. I just wanna kiss him all day but he's a grumpy little thing.' And yer here not even rememberin' my lovesick twin. Even Rin is off his ass for this week."

"Little thing? I'm taller than him," Kiyoomi commented pretending to get something behind him so Osamu couldn't see his red face through the mirror.

"He thinks yer adorableness or somethin' makes ya smaller. I wouldn't know I'm not in love with yer depressing ass."

Kiyoomi then reminded himself once again that he would, in fact, rather date Atsumu over Osamu because he couldn't handle someone with such bland but exasperating attitude.

"Shut up," Kiyoomi mumbled before he realized an important question. "Do you know where he wants to go or what I have to wear?"

Osam rolled his eyes. If there was one thing he wasn't gonna do, it was telling Kiyoomi what type of evening his twin had in store.

"Are ya serious? That idiot would love ya even if ya wore a rice sack. But to answer yer question, wear black. It matches ya better than most colours. He also thinks yer forehead dots are cute as shit or whatever so keep 'em out."

Kiyoomi scoffed, subconsciously raising his hand to press the back of his wrist against his moles.

"You sure you aren't setting me up for failure?"

"Couldn't even if I wanted to. Tsumu would kill me."

And so Kiyoomi accepted the advice in preparation for the date he was suddenly panicking for.

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