Tragedy of a old friend

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Once katsuki opens the door and see izuku his eyes widen and says

Izuku:hello katsuki

Katsuki:come on in

Izuku then enters the house and see some photos and one looks like a family photo

Izuku:I see you have a family
Katsuki:yeah my wife is called ochako and I have a kid

Izuku:ok good for you are you aware of what's happening

Katsuki:that a war is happening
Izuku:I was gonna ask you to join but knowing you have a family I didn't want them to loose a father slash husband

Katsuki:yeah I only do regular quests not high tear quests in risk of my death so that my family doesn't get depressed about my death

Izuku:I understand
Katsuki:I heard you made a city
Izuku:yeah it was to help beast and other creatures
Katsuki:well nice seeing you
Izuku:how are kirishima and Mina

Katsuki:well I heard they are living in the woods with there child

Izuku:what about denki
Katsuki:he died to a troll attack

Izuku then looks around and says

Izuku:where are the wife and kid
Katsuki:oh they out walking in the shop

Izuku then see a glitch in the bottom of a corner and says

Izuku:is this a illusion
Katsuki:uhh no what you talking about

Izuku see a bottle and goes to grab it but accidentally knocks it down and once it hits the ground it disappears and izuku says

Izuku:this is a illusion isn't it


Izuku then uses his magic to turn off the illusion and see how much of a shit-hole the place is and izuku is shocked and izuku see bottles on the floor , the walls dirty with alcohol , vomit and blood , dishes weren't clean and see there a lot of dust and see katsuki a mess and izuku asks

Izuku:what happened
Katsuki:2 years ago my family was attacked And I was out they killed my wife and kid and stole some shit when I arrived it was too late and so I've been living like this

Katsuki:leave me be now


Izuku then walks out the place and hears a tiny fireball being shot and izuku could guess what happened

Izuku then sheds a single tear and leaves the city and heads back to his city

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