City attacked

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It's been weeks since izuku was told about the war and izuku had informed all his allies and made the soldier units of his city train and it is a week left until the war started and izuku was at the top of one of the buildings he made and then a portal appears in the sky

It's been weeks since izuku was told about the war and izuku had informed all his allies and made the soldier units of his city train and it is a week left until the war started and izuku was at the top of one of the buildings he made and then a p...

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Once the portal opens and lesser dragons comes out of it and a serpentine looking dragon with a man is on top of the dragon appears

Once the portal opens and lesser dragons comes out of it and a serpentine looking dragon with a man is on top of the dragon appears

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Once izuku see them he realises a attack about to happen and izuku shoots ice spikes at the lesser dragons killing them and the serpentine dragon shoots a poison blast at izuku

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Once izuku see them he realises a attack about to happen and izuku shoots ice spikes at the lesser dragons killing them and the serpentine dragon shoots a poison blast at izuku

Izuku dodges the attack and form the wings and flies towards the serpentine dragon and the serpentine dragon about to shoots anoth poison blast but izuku punches it heads upwards and the poison blast was shot at the sky

Izuku summons his sword and tries to stab the man but the blade bounces off something and izuku see the man got a forcefield and the man says

???:you know you wouldn't win even without this forcefield protecting me

Izuku:who are you?
???:oh I'm the emperor
Izuku;do your Tyson
Izuku:so I kill you the war never happens
Tyson:oh I only attacked to see how strong it's defences are

Tyson then punches izuku into the building and the impact causes a shockwave and the building starts to fall and the Tyson commands the serpentine dragon to go back in the portal and Tyson then says one last thing

Tyson;my draconian soldiers are capable of destroying kingdom's on there own

Tyson then enters the portal and the portal close

Izuku uses telekinesis to lift up the building and uses elemental manipulation to connect the stone and the building gets repaired

After that attack izuku called all his allies and told them what happened and people were shock and so all the soldiers then came up and izuku was trying to think of someone to call and remembers a few people

Izuku decided to go to the city he first spawned at and when he arrived he says

Izuku:it feels odd to come back here but I wonder if they are still here

Izuku then searches threw the city and it takes him 10 minutes to find the place and when he does he knocks on the door and one person opens the door and it's

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