Confession Part II

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Assalammualaikum hai kesayangan semua! How's the ending? Is it good or bad? Maybe ada yang tak expect today is the last part right? Ada yang terkejut ke? :)

So, yes dear. MPL almost done. Almost? Should I do for special part? Or tak? Kalau nak, saya akan buat. Kalau tak, itulah ending for MPL.

Saya dah baca semua comment tentang pendapat you guys, and thank you for response. I appreciate it a lot. If you guys want to have another ending, how about special part? Kalau ramai nakkan special part, saya akan buat khas for you guys.

I know ramai tak puas hati. Lah tu ke ending dia? Baik tak payah baca. Eh jangan macam tu, takut saya hehe. Jangan marah ya? Saya akan buat special part okay?

And I'm sorry for MPL, tak ada season 2 tau. Why? Saya takkan buat s2 for my story, sebab saya tak suka cerita saya berlarutan, nanti makin merepek :) jadi, kalau you guys rasa tak puas. We can have special part? Okay ke?

Hehe itu je dari saya. Thank you tunggu for tonight's update. Good night my dear readers <33

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