Work Till You Drop

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You came back to the ship with Viggo making hurry to leave. "Sails out. We leave immediately." Viggo ordered. "You heard the man! Move out!" Ryker called out and the men on the ship were moving quickly to get the ship moving out to sea once again.

You looked over the side of the ship as the Northern Markets slowly disappeared from sight. "My apologies for my sudden move to leave, my dear." Viggo came to stand beside you. "I just don't understand the hurry you suddenly made." You said to him in confusion. "It's something personal. Nothing you need to worry yourself about. Now, if you would come with me, I will instruct you on your new job." He walked off with his hands behind his back. You went to walk after him, going to his chambers.

"Please, take a seat." He gestured you to sit down opposite of him at his desk. "Now, your job is to be my assistant. This would mean you will do anything as I say. This can mean you need to do administration, fetch me stuff I need and everything else that comes with the responsibility. Can you prove to me that you are worthy of being that kind of person?" He started as soon as he had sat down, keeping his hands folded in front of his face again.

This was your chance. Prove yourself of what you could really do and have someone appreciate your work! "I will do everything you ask of me, sir." You saw the corner of his lips raise slightly in approval. "Very well, then. You will begin as soon as we arrive at the base. Until then, I prefer you to take as much rest as you can. Your eyes tell me you are exhausted." He noticed your eyes were hanging a bit.

"Where should I sleep?" You asked. The last time you woke up on this ship, you were in the sickbay. "There are hammocks available below deck. You can choose where you would like to sleep." Viggo instructed you. Below deck, this could mean that everyone is sleeping there and you were the only woman on that ship.

As you were dismissed from his chambers, you got back to the deck and saw Finn happily trotting over to you. "Hey, buddy! Glad you're doing okay." You greeted him happily with lots of cuddles. One of the men came to you. "This is your cat, miss?" He asked. "Yes, he is." You answered as Finn had started to lick off your hand. "What is his name? Makes it easier for all of us to call him if we want to pet him." He asked and you giggled a little.

"His name is Finn and do not worry about him not wanting attention or pets. His need for attention is unstoppable." You picked Finn up and held him against you. You could hear him purr loudly. "That is good to know then."

As the man was to return to his work, you quickly asked for his attention. "Where can I find the hammocks on the ship? I would like to lay down for a while." "Sleeping during the day, ey? Hope Viggo is alright with that. You can find the hammocks in the chamber on your left if you go down here." He opened a hatch for you that gave access to the level below you. "Thank you." You smiled thankfully as you stepped down the ladder.

Coming below deck and going to the first left corridor you saw, you came to a chamber filled with hammocks. Some were even stacked three hammocks high! You tried to look for one that wasn't too gross and one where you could get away from easily if a man would try to touch you.

You were sunk in thoughts when a little devil made you jump in the air with a loud meow. "Finn! You scared the hell out of me!" Finn just looked at you with all the cuteness he possessed. "Come on." You tapped on the fabrics of the hammock and Finn jumped in, only to cuddle up with you. He yawned big time when he realized it was time to take a nap. You held him close with you as you drifted off to sleep.

"Get everything offloaded! Quickly now." You heard being called out. "Aye, sir!" The men did what was ordered to them. Suddenly you realized you were supposed to be there as well. How long had you been asleep this time?

You shot up and got back on deck. You saw the ship had arrived at an island. It wasn't too big, but there were plenty of trees to make up a small forest and some hills. "Slept well, I trust?" You heard Viggo speak up from behind you. You were startled badly and nearly jumped into the air again. "Would you do me the favor of not scaring me every time?" You asked as you tried to get your breathing calmed down again.

Timeless Love (Viggo x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora