Return to the Northern Markets

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As daybreak arrived, you were still in bed enjoying Viggo's protective arms around you. It was still early on the day and you both weren't ready to get out yet after the events of last night.

As you were slowly waking up, you felt Viggo's body struggle somehow. He had a bad dream again. You turned around and held yourself against his chest, softly talking to him. "It's alright, sweetie. I'm here." You said these sweet words to him, when he suddenly seemed to choke.

His eyes were wide open, and so were yours. He gasped and couldn't breathe at all, it was like he was a helpless fish on dry land.

As panic rose inside of you, you had no idea what to do. "Ryker!" You screamed as loud as you could, while you cupped Viggo's face in your hands. "Viggo! Hey, it's me. It's okay, sweetie. Relax!" You tried to calm Viggo, but his choking continued. "RYKER!" You screamed even louder.

After a few seconds, Ryker stormed into the tent to see what was happening to his little brother. "Viggo! Hey! Come back to us, brother!" Ryker slapped Viggo in the face, being as gentle as he could, yet he had to give quite the kind of slaps that Viggo's cheeks turned red. "Come on!" Ryker shook Viggo by the shoulders, trying to get him back.

After a few minutes, Viggo regain his ability to breathe. He took deep and fast inhales, coughing in the process. You and Ryker gave him some time to regain his consciousness and you hugged him gently as he tried to regain himself.

He had regained himself again after a few minutes and he was the first to break the silence. "It was her..." His voice was trembling and hoarse, you could see that he was fighting the tears. "You really think she tried to strangle you?" Ryker asked him. "Yes, I felt her unforgiving grip on me. She tried to kill me." Viggo got up and was visibly shaking. You got up and sat down next to him, but as you tried to comfort him, he got up and walked away. You were hurt, but you knew it wasn't your fault.

"Don't take it personal, [Y/n]." Ryker tried to comfort you as well. "I know it's not my fault, but I feel so bad for him that she, whoever she might be, is still haunting him. Can it be that this woman he sees and feels is jealous of him?" You asked Ryker for his honesty. "It's not jealousy, it's anger and revenge she aims at him." He answered you.

"What?" You were shocked to hear it. "Yes and that is also the reason why she is somehow after you as well. You'll understand when he finds the courage to tell you. May I ask what you two were doing last night that she had been triggered to do this to him?" Ryker asked you to find out why this happened.

"Well, please don't tell anyone. Promise me!" You needed his promise as this was sensitive information about your relationship with Viggo. "I swear I will never tell anyone. I won't even mention it to Viggo." Ryker held his hand on his heart, showing you that he truly meant his promise. His brother was the only family he had.

"We were doing some sexual stuff. Discover more about each other and got quite intimate." You explained. "Sex?" Ryker asked. "No, not yet at least. This was different kind of sexual stuff. Could it be that it was because of that, that she strangled him?" You asked Ryker as you were struggling with your emotions about it.

"It could be, but I'm only happy to hear that Viggo is committing himself to the love he feels for you. But for now, please, you are probably the only one who can get near him right now. Go after him." Ryker pleaded. "In what condition or mood will I find him, you think?" You asked as you stood at the tent's exit. "He is upset for sure. I don't think he will be violent, but be careful anyway." Ryker warned you as you walked out of the tent to look for Viggo.

After half an hour of looking for him, you found Viggo at the place you visited last night when you were watching the starsky together. You slowly made your way up to him and crouched down next to him. "Hey, sweetie. Are you okay now?" You asked in a low voice. "I'm not. Please, I want to be alone for a while." He asked you to leave.

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