Lost at Sea

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As the wormhole had sucked you in it, you were in for a wobbly and bumpy ride through... whatever was happening to you.

When the wormhole ended, you fell a far way down into a deep blue ocean. You felt dizzy and your vision was slightly blurry due to the events that just happened to you. The cold ocean water had awoken you a little, just enough to find something you could hold on to.

As you were looking around for something, you saw your cat swimming up to you. "Finn!" You called out to him as he dug his nails in your shoulders. "Ow! Ow! Thank you!" You thanked him sarcastically, but what would he know about sarcasm. He's a cat...

As you kept yourself floating with your cat on your chest, you quickly saw a piece of driftwood float by. It should be large enough for you to hold on to and for your cat to climb up without falling off.

Hanging on to the driftwood and the sun beating down on you, you were losing your strength. With the sun being this harsh, it wouldn't have surprised you if your face and arms would be sunburned. Days had gone by without any sign of any ships in the area, maybe this part of the ocean was not being sailed on?

You were breathing heavily through your mouth and your cat was getting weaker too. "We have to hold on, buddy..." You could barely talk, but you found comfort in him being with you.

As you were close to giving up, you heard a voice scream. "Sir, a shipwrecked!" You looked up just a little to see that a wooden built ship was sailing not too far away from you. You could see the person that was called out was taking a look. You heard his low voice speak up. "Get him out of the water. Bring him on board." 

This gave you a little bit of hope, but these men had to be fast. You just couldn't hold on to this driftwood for much longer. 

As two men stepped into a sloop and came your way, you followed their every move. "Hold on. We're nearly there." One of the men said to you. You were so desperate for their help that you stretched out your hand, not realizing you were too weak to hold on with one arm. By accident, the log you held on to rolled away from under your arms and you started to sink.

The world seemed to disappear from your senses. Your lungs were filling themselves up with water, your body slowly making its way to the bottom of the ocean and your life was fading away. You closed your eyes as you surrendered to the one thing that would come to get you. Death.

As your senses had faded slightly, you suddenly felt an arm around your torso that dragged you up again. One of the men in the sloop must have jumped in the water, diving down to save you!

What seemed to feel like an eternity, the man broke the surface and took a deep breath, still having you in his arm. "It's a woman!" He yelled over to the other man that was still in the sloop. Your savior swam over to the sloop and gave you over to his coworker. "I have her, laddie." The man on the sloop dragged you out of the water and onto the wood of the little boat.

"Are you alright, miss?" They asked you, but your strength was gone. "I have the cat as well." One of them said. It was the last thing you heard. Breathing heavily for air, you felt your world slowly fading to black.

Captain's POV

As soon as I gave word, two men quickly jumped into the sloop we had hanging ready for situations just like this. They made haste as this person seemed too weak to hold on much longer. He could die if we do not act fast.

I was keeping a close eye on the scene that played in front of my eyes. The men did an excellent job in saving this person.

As soon as he disappeared out of sight and sank to his ocean grave, I could see the action my men took straight away. Diving down, one of my men knew to get the drowning person above the surface of the waters around them.

They made their way back to the ship and climbed on with the help of more workers on board. The person in question was unconscious and was carried onto the ship as a bride. Wait, carried on the ship as a bride?

"Sir, a woman." The man that dived down to save this person reported to me. I quickly came to the front to inspect the situation. A woman indeed. Her eyes closed and her body was almost lifeless.

I got down on my knees and bent over to hear if she was breathing. Nothing. A shame we were just too late. "She didn't make it. We will..." I wasn't finished saying what I wanted to say as the woman coughed up some water, but lost consciousness again. 

"Bring her to the sickbay. Keep an eye on her. No one is to touch her." I quickly ordered and the healer on the ship picked her up again and brought her to the sickbay. She will be tended to.

"Sir, there was also a cat with her." The man came to me with a red cat in his arms. "Feed it, give it water and make sure it can rest up." I ordered. This cat probably belongs to this woman. Hopefully she will make it.

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