thirty one

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The first thing Wooyoung felt as he became conscious was pain.

 He opened his eyes slowly, squinting, as light flooded his vision. He looked around to see that he was in his chamber. Their chamber.

He tried to recall the events that lead up to this moment. His head hurt and amidst his daze, Wooyoung suddenly remembered San. The dagger in his waist. The war.

He stood up immediately and regretted it right after as indescribable pain shot up his arm and he fell back on the bed again, clutching his shoulder.

Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he let out a groan and closed them once more.


His mind flashed back to when they were fighting. When San had been stabbed.

He had to see him. To make sure he wasn't dead.

Wooyoung sat up abruptly, trying not to wince at the sudden movement. He quickly got dressed in whatever clothes he could find before leaving his chambers.

The guards outside the door, stopped him immediately. Wooyoung raised his brow at them.

"You need to rest to heal your wounds, Your Highness." One of them said, bowing slightly.

"It's healed enough. I need to see my husband first." Wooyoung said, patience running thin and panic rising in him.

"Where is he?"

The guards replied with the directions to the Royal Infirmary.

He made his way through the halls, eyes taking in the state of the castle.

The lower floor looked destroyed as renovation was in
process. As far as he could tell, the upper floors still held mostly intact. There were some parts where rubble laid about or where debris covered the area.

Wooyoung made it into the infirmary. The place was dimly lit. He could hear people talking amongst each other and the faint sound of patients whimpering or sobbing.

He entered quitely until he reached the room where San resided in.

A doctor was sitting by his side. Her back turned away from Wooyoung who took a deep breath. He walked up to them quietly until he was behind the doctor, peaking over her shoulder.
San's upper body was bare, revealing multiple scars and bruised. The scars looked old and forgotten but there were some fresh bruises and cuts from the war.

She turned her head to face him, startled by the sudden movement.
She stood up abruptly and gave him a hasty bow.

"Your Highness," she greeted.

"How is he? Did he get any better?" Wooyoung asked hurriedly, barely able to contain himself.

The physician shook her head.

"Unfortunately, no, his wound has yet to fully close. We do have hopes for him getting better though if we continue with our treatment."

Wooyoung inhaled shakily.

"Can you give me a few minutes alone with him?" The words came out more like a demand than a plea.

The doctor nodded hesitantly and bowed one last time and exited the room.

The prince sighed deeply and ran a hand through his hair.

Then, with shaky hands, he reached out towards San's hand.

It was cool and clammy despite the fact that it was so warm. Wooyoung squeezed it gently before lowering his head. He took a deep breath to try and compose himself, but his voice cracked as he spoke.

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