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Wooyoung was seated on a chair in the seamstress's room, getting his make up done. He felt the gentle stroke of a brush across his cheeks, as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

It was finally the day. The day he will be betrothed to the crown prince of the Ellesmere Empire. Wooyoung felt numb to everything happening around him. He barely acknowledged the door being opened and a maid coming in with his wedding attire.

Yeosang tapped him on the shoulder, snapping him out of his trance. Wooyoung turned around and his eyes widened when his gaze fell on the outfit hung on the mannequin.

It was something in between a dress and a suit and it was stunning. It was a beautiful shade of off-white and there was thin, golden embroidery going up the sleeves. The cloth was soft to the touch. Satin, Wooyoung recognized.

"Did you design this yourself?" He asked the seamstress, Mina.

Mina nodded, smiling shyly.

"It is splendid." Wooyoung said, with a small smile.

"Thank you, your highness. The make up is done. You can wear the dress now." She said, bowing and left the room to give the prince privacy. Just as she left, Wooyoung fell back on the chair, clutching his head. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a shaky breath.

Yeosang looked at him worriedly. "Your hi- Wooyoung? Are you alright?" He asked dropping all the formalities because the person in front of him wasn't Jung Wooyoung, the prince of the Kingdom of Amaris, it was his childhood best friend. His only friend all these years.

Wooyoung looked up and Yeosang frowned when he saw his eyes glistening with unshed tears. He kneeled down in front of him and placed a hand on his thigh.
"Wooyoung-ah, what is the matter?"

Wooyoung had to restrain himself from bursting into tears at the question. He held them back, he couldn't ruin the make up, which took almost an hour.

"Yeosang, I am scared. I cannot think I can do this." He confessed, his vision becoming blurry. He bit his lower lip, trying not to cry.

Yeosang cupped his face, careful not to smudge the foundation. He stroked his cheek with his thumb gently. "Young-ah, I know. Please try to be strong. I wish I could do something about it, but I am nothing but a mere guard." He said, his hand still on his cheek, ready to catch the tears if they fall.

"I-I want to go home, I want to go to mother, sh-she's sick. I cannot do this without her," He hicupped and a tear rolled down his cheek. Yeosang wiped the wetness, still holding on to him.

Yeosang reached up and embraced the weak prince in his arms, his head resting on the younger's head. Wooyoung buried his face in Yeosang's chest, sobbing lightly.

"Do not fret Wooyoung. I am positive the queen will show a quick recovery, do not lose hope. And if everything goes well then we can ask the emperor to let you visit her, after the wedding." He reassured, stroking his hair gently.

Wooyoung's eyes lit up, pulled away to look at Yeosang who smiled softly at him. "Really? I shall be able to visit her?"

Yeosang nodded, grinning down at the boy. "Of course, now come on. Let us get you dressed up. Can't be late to your own wedding now, can you?" He said, smirking. Before Wooyoung could reply, there was a knock on the door.

"Someone wishes to see you, Your Highness."

Wooyoung frowned and glanced at Yeosang who shrugged cluelessly. Wooyoung cleared his throat and wiped away the stray tears on his cheeks.

"Let them in."

The door opened and a mop of black and brown hair rushed inside and Wooyoung found himself being crushed in a hug.

"Yunho! mphh-" Wooyoung tried to form a sensible sentence while being hugged aggressively by his brother.

"Ew." Wooyoung pushed the taller away, fixing his hair. Seonghwa looked at Yunho with something akin to being disgusted.

Park Seonghwa, the Royal adviser and Wooyoung's mentor, gave him a deep bow.

"Congratulaions on your marriage, Your Highness."

"I am not even married yet..." He mumbled.

Yunho suddenly let out a dramatic yelp.

"I cannot believe my little brother is getting married. I never thought I would live to witness this day. I have raised you well." He exclaimed wiping his non-existent tears. Wooyoung rolled his eyes. Yeosang was highkey judging the Crown Prince.

"Hyung, please." Wooyoung said, exasperated at his dramatic statement. "And you did not raise me."

No one would believe if they were told that this man right here was the crown prince of a powerful kingdom, he was often told that his personality did not seem fit for taking the throne. But Wooyoung knew otherwise. He had seen his brother hold courts and pass fair judgement and grant justice to the disadvantaged. Wooyoung thought no one else deserved to be the king as much as Yunho does.

"How is mother?" Wooyoung asked, pursing his lips. Yunho's smile faltered slightly.

"She misses you a lot. Everyone does. She told me to apologize to you on her behalf for she could not attend your wedding." Yunho replied looking at Wooyoung with mournful eyes. Wooyoung shook his head with a sad smile.

"I am not resentful. I just...I just wished she was present. She would've been so happy." Wooyoung mumbled, water once again gathered in his eyes. Yunho pulled him into a hug again. This time it was gentle and serene.

"She is happy. She truly is." Yunho reassured, pulling away.

"Get dressed now. You do not wish to keep your husband waiting too long, do you?" He wiggled his eyebrows, his mischievous smile was back.

Wait till he knows his so called husband doesn't even wishes to see him.

Wooyoung inwardly cackled.

Wooyoung smiled, his mood slightly better than before. He nodded and proceeded to get ready. Wooyoung took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing...


Just a short filler, type of chapter. I know this is a Woosan ff, I haven't forgotten. But we all need a little Woosang in our lives, don't we?

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