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He moped around all day in his room, mood extremely low. Yoohyeon couldn't stay for much longer as she had other duties to fulfill.

As the evening casted her dusky gown over the horizon, the time of dreadful event had arrived. They were going to have dinner together with the prince of Amaris and San didn't bother getting ready. His mood was already sour and being in the presence of him would only make it worse.

But he had no choice but to attend the dinner. He didn't want to face his father's wrath if he didn't come to the dinner.
So he let allowed himself to be dolled up by the maidens, who were currently styling his long hair and the other one was fixing his sleeves.
He rolled his eyes inwardly. It was just a simple dinner. Why did he have to look extravagant?

"It is all done, Your Highness." The shorter woman with long hair announced.

San looked at himself in the mirror. He would be lying to himself if he said that he didn't look good. He looked amazing but he thought it was a little too much with all the fancy pins in his hair and even a trail of glitter under his eyes.

He simply nodded and stepped out of his chambers, immediately being followed by the two soldiers who were standing outside his room.

He dragged his feet unwillingly across the carpet but held his chin up nonetheless.

When he reached the gigantic hall, his mother smiled up at him beside his father. San gave her a toothless smile and sat down in his usual chair.
Wooyoung was not here yet. Everyone seemed to be waiting for him.

San scoffed.

"I think we should start the eating for the prince seems like he will not be coming anytime soon," San said, gritting his teeth.

The emperor glared at his son which immediately silenced him up.

"Be patient, son. He just arrived here. I reckon he is a little confused with the directions." His mother replied, attempting to smile.

At that moment the doors opened and the prince of Amaris walked in, his personal guard right behind him.

San glared at the younger, noticing how he was wearing a loose satin garment which hung low in his collarbones and his neck was adorned with a simple silver chain.
San looked away.

"I deeply apologize for the inconvenience I may have caused." He said bowing.

San resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the sarcastic tone laced underneath the words.

"Oh, it is no matter. Please have a seat." The empress gestured the chair across San.
The prince glanced at him before flashing a quick smile to her and sat down on the chair. A blond guard came up to stand behind the chair.

The table was filled with all sorts of mouth-watering dishes. From roasted turkey, to sushi to fried rice you name it.

"Enjoy your meal," The emperor remarked.

San and Wooyoung simultaneously reached forward for the turkey, resulting in their hands colliding against each other.

San glared at the prince sharply, who stared back at him with equal intensity. None of the boys wanted to back out, their ego greater than the whole empire.

From his peripheral vision, he caught the guard biting his lip, looking like he wanted to burst out laughing.

The emperor threw his son a sharp glare. San gritted his teeth and retracted his hand and balled them into fists under the table.

Wooyoung smirked at him mockingly, cutting a piece of the food and putting it on his plate.

San took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, which was becoming a difficult task with the ebony haired male sitting right in front of him.

No hitting, no hitting, no hitting... These words repeating in his head like chant.

They ate in silence after that.

"So, regarding the betrothal," His father started. San inhaled sharply, cursing under his breath. From the corner of his eye, he saw the dark haired prince grip the fork tightly in his hands.

"After thinking through it thoroughly, we have decided that the wedding will be held 10 days from now. On the 24th." He announced. San whipped his head towards the emperor, with desperate eyes.

"But, father-"

"No objections. The date has already been finalized. It would cause a great inconvenience to everyone, if we were to postpone the event now."

San turned to his mother, pleading her to say something. She shook her head, sorrowfully. San looked across the table, to see the prince staring at his plate helplessly, his eyebrows pulled together in a dejected frown. The blond placed a hand on his prince's shoulder, sympathetically.

"The preparations have started and the guests will start arriving tomorrow." The emperor dabbed his mouth, with a napkin, indicating that he was done.

San looked away, swallowing the lump in his throat. It was clear that none of the princes wanted this, yet no one could dare to oppose the emperor's decision.

San closed his eyes, as he thought about Yoohyeon and his heart clenched painfully in his chest. He couldn't help but think he was betraying her in a way. Which was partially true, since he would get married to someone else, leaving her heartbroken. But he had no choice. If he were to reveal the truth that he was in love with a servant, Yoohyeon would not see the daylight ever again. And San couldn't let that happen to his love.

The emperor looked at his son, whose head was hung low, a crestfallen expression on his face. He placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Please do not make this difficult than it already is, son." His father said softly. San looked up at him, his eyes displaying every emotion he was feeling right now. If only he thought about his son's happiness first rather than the empire.

San just nodded grimly. He appetite was long gone. He wanted to get out of here, the place suddenly felt too suffocating.

The royal couple got up and left the hall, leaving the young princes and their guards alone in the room.

San heard the prince intake sharply. He looked up to see the younger glaring at his plate, fingers gripping the cutlery tightly.

His guard looked at the prince with a sad expression. He awkwardly patted his back, San scoffed in disbelief.

Wooyoung snapped his head towards him, glaring at the older with red eyes. "This is your fault." He remarked.

San raised a brow at the accusation, fist clenching on the table.

"I beg your pardon?" He asked, lips twitching in anger.

"Surely, you could have convinced your father to change his mind. You could have denied it. But no-"

He was interrupted by San slamming his hands on the table. He leaned across the table until his face was right in front of the younger.

"You must be extremely foolish to entertain the thought that I did not try to convince him otherwise. You really think I would want to marry you out of all people?" Huh?" San whispered, his voice going dangerously low and his eyes boring into the shorter.
Their faces were impossibly close, so much that they could feel each other's breath fan their face.

The infuriating prince didn't back down, narrowing his eyes at him.
It took him every ounce of his willpower in him to not throw the darn piece of turkey right at his head.

The blond guard cleared his throat, clearly feeling the tension rise up in the room.

If it weren't for him tugging at the prince's sleeve, both of them would've pounced on each other, by the way they were scowling at each other.

The younger averted his eyes, jaw clenched. San still kept glaring at him.

"Come on, Yeosang." He said, avoiding the older's gaze.

The guard named Yeosang nodded, following the prince, throwing a last glance at San.

San sighed, running a hand through his hair.

10 days.


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